Chapter 13

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As Eren and the group return to the village, Erich, Carla, and Fay arrive back from their exploration of Shiganshina. Observing Armin and the others waiting nearby, Aya's surprise and anger are palpable.

"They found out where we are?" Aya questions, her tone a mixture of shock and frustration.

Gloria confesses, "I'm sorry for not mentioning earlier. About a week ago, they discovered our location and attempted to interrogate me."

"And you didn't divulge anything to them?" Eren inquires.

"Only details about my past and your reluctance to engage with them. Nothing significant," Gloria clarifies.

"Understood. Clearly, they're here to observe our activities, but it holds no importance for us," Eren comments. "Gloria, Aya, could you update Peter and the others?"

"Of course. What about the children?" Aya inquires.

"I believe they should also be informed of the truth," Eren decides.

Once gathered at the plaza's table, Katrina notices the group's somber mood. Concerned, she questions, "What's the matter? You all seem rather down."

Eren responds, "Historia's daughter, Ymir, had a fever earlier today, so we rushed back from the Reiss Farm."

"Ymir was sick? We should have visited too," Fay expresses her concern.

"Don't worry, she's recovered now. But it wasn't an ordinary fever," Aya interjects. "The Founding Titan, Ymir Fritz, residing within her, has awakened and showed us a vision."

"A vision? Similar to the one you had about the Rumbling four years before it happened?" Erich seeks clarification.

"Yes, it appears that despite our efforts to aid in their recovery, the nations outside the world are plotting to attack Paradis Island. They seem unwilling to let go of the fear from the Rumbling and are waiting for an opportunity to destroy us," Eren explains.

"Does this mean there's no hope for us?" Laura asks, her voice tinged with fear.

Meanwhile, Armin and the others overhear the conversation. Armin interjects, "So, our negotiations failed?"

"It can't be... We had seen progress in our interactions with other nations..." Connie expresses disbelief.

"It's clear they're deceiving us," Annie remarks bitterly. "Their disdain for us as Eldians persists, even though Titans are no longer a threat."

Peter contemplates for a moment before asking, "What's the plan of action then?"

"It seems it's time for the 'devils' to return to protect the island," Eren declares. "As the 'devil' known as the Attack Titan, Eren Yeager, I'll ensure that the island remains safe from the threats posed by other nations."

"Does that imply we'll revert from Kruger back to Yeager?" Fay inquires.

"No, Fay. Both of you remain Krugers, despite sharing the Yeager name with me. What I mean is that the power of the Titans shall resurface," Eren clarifies.

"The power of Titans? Are you serious?" Odom questions, a mix of disbelief and surprise in his voice. "I thought they were lost forever..."

"They were believed to be lost forever, until we had that vision and received these crystals from Founder Ymir," Eren explains, revealing four different colored crystals. "These are Titan crystals. If consumed, they grant the power of that Titan until the end of one's life. Gloria, Aya, Jean, and I consumed four of them, making us Titan shifters now."

The revelation leaves the others stunned. Peter speaks up, "You four are Titan shifters? But what about the curse? Won't you face death within 13 years again?"

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