Chapter 17

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On the ocean, near Paradis Island, a ship lurks in the shadows, clandestinely observing the nation of Eldia. A soldier, his gaze fixed on the distant land, queries with concern, "Why isn't the soldier responding to the call?"

"Those devils might have seized him. It's a perilous notion to provoke the island of devils," retorts another soldier, a note of caution in his voice.

"What's there to fear? Titans no longer roam this world. Our purpose is for the betterment of our homeland. They must bear the agony of the Rumbling," asserts the general, conviction ringing in every word.

As they peer across the waves towards Eldia, a sense of foreboding lingers among the crew, the tension palpable in the salty sea air. Suddenly, a colossal bolt of lightning crackles across the sky ahead, catching their attention. Emerging from the luminous display, a massive wolf materializes, its form surreal against the horizon.

"Is that a wolf?" questions a soldier, disbelief coloring his tone.

"No wolf could be that colossal," rebuts the general, urgency edging into his voice. "It appears to be heading right for us. Open fire!"

As the crew aims their weapons, the gargantuan wolf accelerates, its movements swift and calculated. Unexpectedly, it sprouts wings and takes flight, effortlessly evading the barrage of bullets aimed its way.

"What on earth is happening?" gasps a bewildered soldier as the bewildering spectacle unfolds.

Abruptly, another lightning bolt illuminates the scene. The crew whirls around to confront a staggering sight—the Attack Titan looming behind them. Some among the soldiers recognize the figure of Eren Yeager and their expressions morph into shock and disbelief.

"No! That's... a Titan!" exclaims a soldier, horror lacing his words.

"But how? They were supposed to be extinct!" cries out another soldier, incredulity evident in his voice.

Eren's deafening roar reverberates through the air as he hurtles toward the ship, compelling both soldiers and generals to hastily abandon the vessel. In the midst of this chaos, the Beast Titan suddenly morphs, revealing Sasha who swiftly draws her bow, aiming an arrow at the now-vulnerable group.

"Soldiers of Zweiflusse, representing one of the Mid-East nations, you stand accused of poisoning our people," Sasha proclaims in an icy, unwavering tone.

"Don't presume you've emerged victorious, you devils!" one of the soldiers retorts defiantly, reaching for their weapon. However, their actions are halted as the National Army, led by Erwin, Petra, and Gloria, arrives swiftly, their weapons trained on the intruders.

"I wouldn't recommend taking that course of action if I were you. Remember, we have a Titan standing behind you," Erwin cautions, his voice carrying an authoritative edge.

They collectively swallow hard as Eren fixes his gaze upon them, prompting their swift surrender. As Eren reverts to his human form, he speaks with a measured intensity, "It appears that even the Rumbling wasn't enough to dissuade you from troubling our island. Did you truly seek to incite war?"

The soldiers gasp in disbelief as they recognize the true identity of the Titan. "General... it's... Eren Yeager! The Attacking Titan who unleashed the Rumbling!" one of them stammers, shock evident in their voice.

"But he was believed to be dead! How is this possible?" another soldier frets, panic tinging their words.

"Eren, what would be the prudent course of action with them?" Erwin inquires, his tone thoughtful yet decisive.

"We'll transport them to our prison first. Subsequently, we'll deliberate on how to proceed. Releasing them would risk igniting a global conflict if news of our resurgence spreads," Erwin suggests, his words calculated and pragmatic.

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