Chapter 7

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In the midst of Armin, Annie, and Reiner's conversation, a sudden fluttering catches their attention as a bird darts through the open window. Freiheit's return is unexpected, his presence drawing everyone's focus.

Eren's expression darkens. "So, Armin spills everything to Reiner and the rest. Trusting him seems like a mistake..."

Aya's eyes widen as she murmurs, "This is just perfect. They're coming to hassle us. I warned you that trusting him would backfire."

Jean interjects, "I'm not just defending Armin, but shouldn't Connie and Reiner at least know you're alive?"

Eren shoots a glare. "Nobody asked for your opinion, horse face. Reiner may not be a Titan anymore, but he's still my enemy. What good does it do if he knows I'm alive?"

Jean flinches at Eren's remark; it's been a while since he was called 'horse face' by Eren. Normally, he'd engage in a confrontation, but something stops him this time. Mikasa breaks the tense silence, "What's your plan regarding Armin?"

"Given how easily he betrayed trust, I suppose he's not my best friend anymore. Treating each other as strangers will suffice," Eren responds.

Both Mikasa and Jean frown, understanding Eren's sentiments. Eren had been granted a second chance at life, and now all he desires is peace with his children. At that moment, Gloria intervenes, "Let's change the atmosphere, shall we? How about a visit to Historia today? Little Ymir would love to see us again."

"Sounds good," Aya agrees.

They all decide to ride their horses toward the Reiss Farm. However, as they set off, they are unexpectedly spotted by Armin and the others, who are making their way to Eren's residence.

"Wait, isn't that Mikasa and Jean?" Connie's voice breaks the tension among them as they notice a group, including children, swiftly heading north.

"Isn't that Eren in the hood?" Reiner questions, squinting to get a clearer view.

"Where could they be headed?" Pieck wonders aloud, prompting them to decide to tail the group.

As they ride their horses in pursuit, Carla finds herself on the same horse as Erich, clinging tightly to him. Mikasa and Jean never had the chance to teach her how to ride, leaving her reliant on Erich's support during the ride.

Upon their arrival at the Reiss Farm, Historia and Ymir are already present. Historia rushes forward, embracing Eren warmly. "Eren! Aya! Everyone's here!"

However, her joyous demeanor shifts as she notices Mikasa and Jean. "Wait, what are those two... did you guys—"

"They're aware," Eren interjects. "And I suspect Armin, Reiner, and the others also know I'm alive. That's not favorable for us. Ten years of peace are disrupted once more."

Historia's expression darkens. "I understand... so that moment has arrived."

"Uncle Eren! Aunt Aya!" Ymir rushes over, hugging the two adults tightly. Eren inquires, "How have you been, Ymir?"

"I'm doing great, Uncle Eren!" Ymir responds proudly.

"Uncle?" Jean questions.

"It turns out that not only did Founder Ymir revive me, but she also gave me the same bloodline as Historia. That technically makes me Historia's blood-related brother," Eren explains.

"And possessing Frieda's memories reinforces that truth," Historia adds. "At least he's here with me after my husband's passing..."

The others' expressions turn somber, recalling Historia's husband's demise five years earlier. Eren and Aya had attended the funeral and concealed their identities due to the presence of representatives from other nations.

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