Chapter Seventeen: Half And Half

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As I fell to the ground my head hitting the mud, the weird black and white figure grabbed my hand, and led me someplace. He seemed nervous. Like he was running from something, but he still needed me by his side.

Soon, we were in a place, which I'm assuming was his house. It was apparent that we were both drenched and cold from being in that rain. I just sat on a couch in what I'm guessing was the living room. He left me there, and in a few minutes, he returned with two towels in his hands. I noticed that his hands were gloved. I decided not to question it, and used the towel to dry my hair. He did the same, and when we finished, he grabbed both towels and put them somewhere. "I guess I should start by introducing myself," he said, outstretching his hand, which I shook, "I'm Ranboo, and you're Star Girl, right?"

"Yes, I am," I said "thanks for letting me in your home, by the way."

"No problem." He said. "Actually, I was looking for you."

"You were?" I asked, not knowing why anyone would need me.

"I heard that you know where TommyInnit is."

I was surprised. First, Dream asked about TommyInnit, and now Ranboo? Was he some sort of criminal? "Why are you asking?" I said. After all, I only just met Ranboo. No point in trusting him after a few minutes of knowing each other.

"TommyInnit is a close friend of mine," Ranboo said "so naturally I would be worried."

"Actually, Dream asked about TommyInnit, so why should I tell you over him?" I said.

Ranboo immediately tensed "Dream is around here? He's been abusing TommyInnit for months! If he knows where he is he might just kill the boy."

What?! I mean, Dream could never handle other people being the leader, but could that be enough to cause him to abuse, and maybe even kill, an 18-year-old boy?

"Alright," I Said "TommyInnit lives with me at my house, I can take you there tomorrow." I said.

And with that, we both went to bed, but I had too much shock to be able to sleep immediately.

Would Dream kill somebody?

So, do you think Dream is crazy enough to kill TommyInnit?

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