Chapter Twenty-Six: Molly? Or Star Girl?

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"So, your birth name is Molly, and a mysterious voice led both you and Callahan here to fight for some powers, you won, and you became Star Girl, with Callahan becoming mute?" Ph1lza said, and I turned to Callahan silently asking him if I left anything out, and he nodded, confirming Phil's summary.

"Then how come you two seem so close, if no offense, but Molly here is basically the reason why Callahan's mute?" TommyInnit asked, and I turned to Callahan, waiting to see how he would answer that.

This was when I could hear Callahan's voice inside my head. I could read his mind! I acted sort of like his interpreter, and spoke whatever his voice told me. "We were both kids at the time and we didn't really know the consequences to our actions yet. That and the fact that we didn't know there was gonna be a punishment for losing."

"Wait, did you just talk for him?" Ranboo who, had been silent during most of the conversation said.

"No," I said "I read his mind I just hear his voice in my mind, and I say whatever the voice tells me."

Callahan bent down onto the sand, and wrote "And Vice versa."

"Apparently he can read mine too," I said.

"Amazing," I heard Phil breath.

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