December~ hi

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So my therapist thinks it's a good idea to write my thoughts down since I have a lot of trouble talking about it. Which I guess makes sense. I've never had a diary and I'm not sure how it works exactly. Am I supposed to like introduce myself? I already know myself. At least. I think I do. Sometimes I feel like a stranger. Sometimes I wish I could rummage around in my head and figure out what exactly it is that makes me the way I am.

I came out to my dad the other day. I think it went well. Just like Will said it would. He has a new boyfriend. My dad I mean. His name is Nathan and he has two kids, a twelve year-old named Ethan and a seven year-old, Lacy. Nathan seems cool I guess. Better than my other dad, Apollo. Way better than you-know-who. I haven't had those kind of nightmares, the ones about him, in a long time, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten. Dad deserves to be happy after that. I think that's all for now.

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