i really hate those kids i'm not going to lie

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You know when you're mad about one thing and you start being mad about a lot of other things too? Two things. First, Livi wants Eleanor to go on this two-week long trip to Massachusetts with her and all the other kids. No I am not jealous that I wasn't invited—I value my life too much to trust those kids farther than I can throw them—it's just. Ugh. The kids. I hate knowing Livi is going to be trying to flirt with Eleanor the entire time. I did try to encourage Eleanor to go though because it would make Livi happy but it turns out that was pointless because Livi wants to ruin Eleanor's birthday by killing herself right before it. Why does she have to be so dramatic. So selfish. I could make a whole list of reasons why Eleanor shouldn't date her. That might be mean. But then again so is she. Why can't she just go back to her time? Why can't all of them? Everything would be so much better and easier that way. Why can't I just have this one thing without it getting ruined by them.

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