break it off || jealous!bucciarati x reader || requested!

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this was requested by thedaikiwife! i wanted to switch things up a bit, so i decided to put this one-shot with some headcanons at the beginning! tell me if you like this new approach or you just like the normal one-shots i write for you all in the comments <3

there's a note at the very end i'd like you to read, please :)

\\ jealous bucciarati headcanons \\

Bruno is very silent when he watches how you interact with others; he doesn't act irrationally or out of impulsive feelings. Instead, he watches you and studies your words, actions, facial expressions, and body language, making mental notes when he finds something that shows him your interest in someone.

 Bruno hides his jealousy very well, but you can find glimpses of his jealous nature when he lashes out at the others unintentionally or becomes way more strict and cold towards you.

He hates it when you ignore him. Whether it's on purpose or accident, he can't stand it when he goes unnoticed. In fact, it bothers him to the point he might even ask you to help him in his office/with paperwork so you have no choice but to talk and interact with him.

Bruno doesn't mind you getting physical with the other members of the team (ex: hugging, high fiving, kissing even), but it bothers him when you spend more time doing that to them instead of him. Extra annoyed points if it's with a male member of the team.

Bruno takes his relationship with you seriously, and he hates it when you go behind his back. He'd prefer it if you'd tell him if you're not happy/pleased with his actions, and he'll do everything he can to make sure you're happy with him. Do not whisper. He will make it his top priority to pry what you told someone else out of them, and make it his job to confront you and scold you for trying to hide it from him.

Bruno is a long-suffering man, meaning he can hold a smile even when he's angry for a long time. He can only hold it so long, though; if you do something to purposely bother him, he will politely excuse you and himself somewhere where he can confront you and deal with you accordingly. His smile falters when you get touchy with the others more than him, and he has to check himself in the bathroom mirror before coming back to the group again.

"Excuse us for a minute." Bruno smiles sweetly to the gang, grabbing your hand as he leads you down the dark hallway into his office. You stare at him, confused, and Bruno frowns at you, displeased. "What do you think you're doing, dolcezza?" He questions, locking the door behind him as he walks to his bookshelf, pulling you along with him.

"N-Nothing." You reply, staring into his eyes. They're filled with jealousy, and his face screams annoyed. "Nothing? I think not." He barks out a harsh laugh, causing you to tense up. "Y/N, please. Let's not act dumb." Bruno glares at you, and you blush, knowing what he's getting at.

Sure, you got a bit carried away flirting with Mista, but you two aren't together. It's just your way of showing him your love, and his way of showing you. You didn't think Bruno would mind, and he didn't for the first thirty minutes, laughing and shaking his head at the flirty comments you two were making, but his gaze got harder and harder, eventually distracting himself with the dishes while you two were carrying on with the flirts. Finally, he had enough. That's the reason he brought you here.

"Break it off." Bruno commands, his voice strained with unchecked anger. "What? It was just a joke, Bruno. Please don't take it seriously." You groan, and Bruno lifts your chin to his face, staring down at you with his dark blue eyes. "It's Bucciarati to you now." He glares, and you blush, nodding. 

He makes you return to the formalities when you disappoint or upset him. It's a punishment he's made for you, and it works well, making you blush when you have to refer to him as Bucciarati, Signore, or Capo. It shows you two aren't as close as you were anymore. Bruno pulls away from you, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear as he walks to the door and opens it, stepping aside for you.

"Now, when we go back downstairs, I want you to help me do the dishes." He directs, and you nod, biting your lip as you walk out the door."Don't disappoint me again." He whispers, his voice seething, and you swallow nervously, nodding.

"Break it off." Bruno looks down at you, and you look up at him, nodding. "Break it off." You repeat, and Bruno smirks, pleased with your willingness.

Hello everyone; it's me, francine. I wanted to let you know that everything's fine and I'm alive (barely) and well. School's been a flood, and I've been Noah's Ark 😔

All jokes aside, I'm okay, and I want to let you know that all of your requests and more one-shots will be out; I'm trying to develop a schedule because I've got jjba one-shots and Crimewave I need to be working on, so that's why I've been as dry as the Sahara and as tipsy turvy as Noah's Ark.

I love each and every single one of you, and thank you so so so so so much for 25.3K views like what?? I never thought I'd get this far, and I count it a joy, blessing, and honor to interact with you all and write for you. Cheers to 25k and many, many more people joining the Francine Fraternity (that's the new fandom name)

much love, francine!!

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