1. Daksh's ultimatum

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It's a winter morning but the atmosphere in the meeting room is so hot. Employees are sweating looking at the man sitting in his chair and reading a file. The silence in the room feels like the one before a storm. No one is able to control their rising heartbeats. They are just praying that somehow their devil boss gets satisfied with their work and takes back the decision to fire the entire department. 

The man who is deeply engrossed in the file lifted his eyes and took a glance at the employees who were staring at him in fear.

"I want a new proposal within two days or else pack your stuff and leave." He said in a cool tone but it sent shivers down the spines of the employees. They immediately ran out of the office.

"Oh god! The devil will definitely fire all of us. What will I do without my job?" an employee whined.

"He is a god by looks but a devil by acts." Another one complained.

"I am feeling pity for the girl who will be marrying this Devil." Another one said dramatically.

Soon they all went back to work. 


A girl is walking with an umbrella in the rain. She is wearing a sky-blue suit and holding the umbrella above her head. She walked for some time and reached her college.

She moved the umbrella slowly from her head revealing her beautiful face. Her pulpy lips, her straight and long nose, her big eyes, everything is perfect about her. She folded the umbrella and went to her class. There she met her best friends Karthik, Seema, and Mayank. 

"Here she is," Seema exclaimed looking at the girl who just entered.

"Chaitra where were you?" Asked Karthik turning towards her.

"And where is your phone?" Mayank questioned.

"Guys guys chill. I couldn't ride my scooty as it's raining so I just took a bus and my phone in my bag and I didn't answer it because the bus was so full that I couldn't move."

Before they could talk something else the professor came and they went to their places.

After class, they all went to the canteen. A boy came towards them and sat beside Chaitra. 

"Hey, Chaitra how are you?" The boy asked.

"Here it goes again," Seema whispered to Mayank who was sitting beside her.

"I'm good. What's the matter?" Chaitra asked raising a brow. She very well knows that he comes to her only when he needs her help. Her classmates send Mithun to talk to her as he is the representative of their class.

"So, I am wondering if you could convince princi to have a dance face-off during the annual day. All the people in our class want to participate. Can you please talk to him?" 

"But Mithun you too can ask him and you are the representative naa."

"I tried but he said he can't trust our class in this matter as the Trustees will be here and if we mess things up it will leave a bad impression."

"Okay, I will try. But I can't guarantee. You know how that Hitler is right?"

"Yeah but just try and convince him for all of us please." He requested.

"Okay, I will try." 

After Chaitra's reply, he left from there.

"Ugh, I don't want to go to that Hitler! He will eat my brain." Chaitra whined looking at her friends.

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