33. Ice-cream

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After we were done announcing the youngsters dragged me with them and started saying how happy they are to have me in their gang. Aakansha even started planning pranks we were going to do on others. We all went in after some time and everyone had already left. My college will start in 6 days and I have to complete my assignments before that. 

Chaithu your good days are over!

I went back to my room and tried to find my books which I had thrown somewhere in my luggage. I found them after creating a big mess of my clothes and other accessories. I sat down and decided to jot down a few important points. I did my assignments till noon and went out for lunch.  Then I did the assignments again.  When I was done with drafting everything I failed miserably when I tried to align them. I searched for someone to help me but everyone seemed busy. I decided to ask Daksh for help but was not sure how to ask him. He just came back before a while and must be busy. After fighting with myself for a good 10 minutes I decided to take his help and went to him. He helped me and asked me to come to him whenever I needed some help and he would do the same. I felt very happy listening to him. He is everything a girl wants in her husband. I thought ours would be an arranged marriage from my side but this man is hell-bent on turning it into a love marriage from both sides.

Next day

"Di... I mean bhabi let's go out for lunch today." Aakansha squealed as soon as she saw me.

"But..." I was cut off in the middle by Nithi Di.

"No buts. These idiots already had lots of lunches with you. Now don't deny us." She said in a complaining tone throwing daggers at Rakshit and Abhi with eyes. 

"Okay!" I gave in and went back to change my dress. I got dressed and we all went out after informing the elders.

Annayya and Rohan bhai asked, well practically ordered us to go to our hotel and wait for them as they didn't want to risk with the food of vadina and Nithi Di. 

We reached our hotel and walked into the restaurant area. The manager uncle came to us, guided us to the VIP section, and left after making sure we were comfortable. 

Vadina and Nithi Di ordered pizza and waffles while we waited for Annayya, Dev bhai, Hithu, Rohan bhai,  Naksh bhai, and him to join us.

They finally decided to show up after these ladies finished a pizza, two waffles, and a half-dozen pastries. Annayya and Rohan bhai glared at their respective wives looking at the empty plates.

"Chaithu ate it."

"Abhi ate it." 

Di and Vadina said at the same time and I and Abhi looked at them dumbfounded. We then looked at each other and everyone started laughing at us.

Annayya gave me a questioning look asking me to deny it but I shook my head negatively like a small kid. He exhaled sharply and sat beside vadina. He wiped off the chocolate from her lips with a tissue and narrowed his eyes at her. She smiled sheepishly and kissed his cheek. 

"You will not have any junk food for a week now." He announced and she pouted cutely.

"That's not going to work." He declared and asked a waiter to bring soup for her. She scrunched her nose hearing the soup word. 

I laughed at her expression but stopped immediately when she gave me a death glare. 

Soon our orders arrived and we started having our lunch with lots of laughter and a few serious conversations here and there.

"Dev bhai when is my prince coming?" I asked listening to which Daksh choked on his food. I patted his head and made him drink some water. 

"Are Chaitra soch ke. Bechare ka halat karab hogai!" Naksh bhai said passing teasing glances towards Daksh. He gave Bhai a death glare.

(Chaitra, think before you say. See, his condition became worse!)

"What did I say?" I asked confused. Everyone shrugged their shoulders and turned away while Daksh passed me another glare. What? Why?

"Leave it. Bhai, when is he and bhabi coming?" I asked again.

"They will return in 2 days." He replied. Bhabi and my nephew went to the UK with Bhabis' parents for Bhabis' friends' marriage. Bhai couldn't attend it due to me and some other meetings.

"I can't wait to meet them bhai. I will come to Udaipur with you." I pleaded to him and he nodded at me smiling. 

"Can we also go?" Vadina asked Annayya giving her best puppy eyes.

"Okay," Annayya agreed and Hithu also decided to accompany us. 

"Does she know about this marriage? She will kill all of us for hiding it from her." Hithu blabbered terrified.

"She does. I and Vadina spoke to her when I decided to accept it. She said she is very excited." I replied pulling his cheeks and he glared at me and pushed my hand away.

"I am going to pay!" I announced and ran to take the bill that the waitress was bringing towards us. Hithu ran behind me and took it from me. I tried to catch it but this 6 feet monster is holding it too high and my 5.6 height could not get hold of it.

"Donkey!" I yelled.

"Monkey!" He yelled back. 

I stomped my feet and folded my hands in front. How did this shortie grow up so quickly while I remained the same?

"Add the bill to my account," Annayya announced and the waitress walked away after nodding with a smile.

"That was not fair!" I and Hithen yelled at once.

"Enduko?" Annayya asked casually.

(Why so?)

"Because we both were literally fighting to get it and you won just like that!" I complained and pouted.

"You know I won't let my princess pay when I am around right?" He said in a sweet tone and I melted. Actually, I and Hithen always fight to pay the bill at our hotels because when settling accounts Nanna gives us triple the amount when he sees the records. We pay bills just to tally accounts and Nanna gives it by tripling as our pocket money.

"I want ice cream," I asked pulling Dev bhais' sleeve. He smiled and nodded at me.

"Me too!" 

"Me three!" 

Vadina and Nithi Di butted in. Annayya and Rohan bhai glared at them. 

"No one is getting any ice cream." Rohan bhai announced in a final tone. I remained silent as I didn't want Vadina and Nithi Di to feel bad seeing me having ice cream.  We all walked out after that.

"I have to buy something for Ishika. Chaitra, will you help me?" Dev bhai asked and I nodded confused. Why does he want to buy something suddenly? We didn't talk about it in the morning either.

He took me to an ice cream parlor and I gave him a confused look.

"You asked for something. How will I not give it to you?" He asked and I side-hugged him.

"Let's go?" He asked forwarding his hand and I took it. We both went in and he bought me my favorite ice cream. We both had our ice creams and he dropped me off before returning to work.

I heard a knock at my door at night and opened the door. I saw annayya standing there holding some bag. I let him in and he closed the door. We heard a sound on the balcony and walked out. We saw Hithen climbing up with the help of a ladder. Annayya helped him up. I texted Dev Bhai to join us as we were all here.

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