19. Outing

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Daksh dropped me and went away saying he had an important meeting tomorrow. After changing into comfortable clothes and washing my face, I walked to my room and hit the bed. I don't have the energy to take a bath. No one was home, so I straight away went to bed.

I woke up the next morning wondering where my family had gone all night. I did read the message from Annyya saying they were out and will be back by this afternoon. I came down after completing my morning chores. Lakshmi Aunty served me breakfast. I had it and turned on the TV. I couldn't find any exciting movies to watch so I just logged into my OTT accounts and decided to watch Aanand movie after scanning all options. It's a movie I never get bored of.

By the time I finished watching the movie, my family walked in. I ran into the hands of Nanna. He too returned the hug and pecked my forehead. I then hugged everyone else and asked them to freshen up. They all went to their respective rooms to freshen up. We had our lunch and Annayya said he wanted to take me out in the evening as we didn't have our 'We time' the last few weeks. It's been 3 months since we went out just to enjoy ourselves and not for some work or dinner. 

I got ready in the evening. I wore a jumpsuit as I didn't know where he was taking me. Vadina is also coming with us. She is wearing a frock that reaches to her knees. Annayya is wearing a T-shirt and jeans. 

First, he took us to Keesaragutta

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First, he took us to Keesaragutta. The sunset view from there is fantabulous. We sat there watching the sky being turned into a canvas and the changing colors of the Sun doing the beautiful artwork on it. We watched it turning from orange to golden yellow, pink, white, and many other shades before turning black with some stars shining making it beautiful with their glow again. Then he took us to an exhibition which opened recently. We enjoyed all the rides. My phone went off and it was Aakansha. I answered the call walking a little away from the crowd after informing my brother.

She asked me where I was and what I was doing. I told her about our plans and she started sulking immediately saying how she was getting bored staying at the hotel all day. I offered her to join us and she said she would ask others if they want to join. I ended the call and walked toward my brother.

But someone bumped into me in the middle. Before I could register anything a punch landed on his face. There were a few people who looked scary standing behind me. They asked me to leave and started punching the man who bumped into me. I asked them to leave him but they kept assaulting him. They finally stopped when I yelled at them to leave him. They left from there leaving me utterly shocked. I helped the man sit up and made him drink some water. I called Annayya and he sent the man to the hospital. We walked away from there but my mind kept wandering over the previous incident. Who are they? Why were they beating him mercilessly?

My chain of thoughts broke when an ice cream cone was brought in front of my eyes. Before I could take it Annayya touched its top to my nose. I glared at him but he started laughing like mad. Vadina too joined him. I pouted at him.

"Laugh as much as you want now. I will complain to Nanna when we reach home. He will break your bones." I yelled getting irritated with their non-stop laughing.

"Well, Dad won't be saving you and we won't get a chance once you get married to him," Annayya said looking at my back which made me turn back. There stood the Greek god in all his glory wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

"Annayya!" I yelled turning to my brother. By now everyone is laughing at me. I stomped my feet and walked away from there.

"Chaithu!" Vadina called me but I ignored her and walked further.

"Chaithu wait!" Annayya tried but no! I am not going to stop. I am just so angry! I just kept walking away from them with them following behind. I bought a ticket and climbed a giant wheel. I regretted it the moment it started. Why did I buy this ticket in anger to get rid of them?

It already started moving by the time they came and they had no option but to wait for me. I shut my eyes tight not wanting to get scared looking down. I started chanting "It's not that big, It's all right" like it was some mantra. Finally, the giant wheel stopped after 10 minutes which felt like an eternity to me. I felt nausea after getting down but my ego was too big to accept it. I was about to walk away again but someone pulled me back by my arm. I turned to see my cousins smiling at me. Devansh bhai and Hithen are here! But when did they come? They both pulled me into a hug and we three started grinning like fools.

"When did you come?" I asked looking at them as they didn't inform me that they would be here.

"A while back. Bindu vadina said you are here so came to surprise you!" They replied grinning ear to ear. We spent all our summer holidays together. Annayya and Devansh are the same age while I am a year younger than Hithen. 

"Oh!" I said turning back to my old mood. I am so angry at my Annayya for the reason even I don't know. He is teasing me about my marriage when he clearly knows that I am not ready for it. Not now at least.

"Why is our cute little sister all moody today?" Devansh bhai asked ruffling my hair. I just huffed at him.

"Did someone say something to my baby doll?" Hithen asked and I immediately pointed a finger at Annayya.

"Akash! What did you say to my poor baby?" Devansh bhai schooled Annayya and I side-hugged him sticking my tongue at him.

"Achha sorry baba! It just slipped out seeing him. I will never talk about it again!" He said holding his ears and giving me his puppy eyes. 

"You will only be forgiven when you bake my favorite cake!" I announced trying to stop my smile by pressing my lips into a thin line.

"As you command My Highness!" He bowed dramatically which made me smile and he soon engulfed me in a hug.

"Are you alright Chaithu? After the giant wheel?" He asked with concern written all over his face. He knows me too well. He can read me like an open book.

"What? Chaithu and giant wheel?" Devansh bhai and Hithen shouted at once making the Chauhans frown in confusion.

"I was angry," I mumbled playing with the sling of my bag.

"God! You were angry so you ride a giant wheel which you never tried saying it's scary and you will never ride it?" Devansh bhai was dumbfounded at which I  just nodded my head. I wonder how I managed to complete the ride without having a panic attack.

We roamed in the exhibition for some more time and I could feel someone's gaze on me all the time. He averted his gaze whenever I looked at him. We had our dinner and left for our destination. He didn't speak a word all this time. Is he angry at me for the way I reacted?

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