69. Palace tour & Siblings' time

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The next morning when I woke up, a shy smile graced my lips as I remembered the previous night's happenings. I did my morning routine and got ready in a simple saree and wore my earrings and bracelet to complete my look. I curled my hair at the bottom, applied pink lipstick that matched my blouse and added eyeliner to highlight my eyes.

After having a final glance of myself in the mirror, I walked out of my room in search of my to-be husband who asked me to meet him at the Amar Vilas. I found him busy on a call when I reached there and took my time to appreciate the gorgeous creation of god for me. Once he was done with the call, he rounded his folded fists around me and touched his knuckles to his forehead making me giggle. Then he placed a long kiss on my forehead.

"You are looking gorgeous," He breathed out, his lips still on my forehead and I wrapped my hands around his torso and placed a kiss on his chest over his shirt, "You are looking handsome too," I mumbled and got his chuckle in reply. He pecked my hair and guided us somewhere with my hands wrapped around his bicep.

He took me to Badi Mahal/ Garden Palace and the swimming pool there grabbed my attention immediately. I was awed by the beautiful wall paintings of temples. I ran my hands over the paintings feeling their texture with my fingers. Once I was satisfied, Daksh took me to Bhim Vilas & Krishna Vilas where numerous paintings of Shree Radha Rani and Shri Krishna were displayed. Those paintings were a feast to my eyes and I tried really hard not to blink while I admired their beauty. After showing me Chini Chitrashala, Choti Chitrashala, and Manak Mahal.  

Daksh then took me to Rang Bhavan where the temples of Lord Krishna, Meera bhai, and Shivji were located. It was dome-shaped with shining gold walls. Daksh said this used to be the treasure of the kings which was later converted into temples. This time, Daksh did cover my head while offering prayers and we both shared a smile reminiscing the time I asked him to do the honors when we visited a temple here in Rajasthan.

After that, Daksh took me to Mor Chowk. That chamber was beautiful with three peacocks illustrating the summer, winter, and monsoon seasons. Daksh explained the peacocks were designed with 5,000 glass pieces and those glasses were in green, gold, and blue colors adding elegance to the picturesque background. When I looked up, there was a projecting balcony with a ceiling studded with glasses reflecting the beauty of the room. 

"These peacocks are so pretty," I was awed at the beautiful artwork shining in the morning rays.

"Mine is the prettiest. She doesn't even need all these color pieces to enhance her beauty, " Daksh's confident voice filled with adoration reached my ears.

"You have a peacock?" I mused as he never mentioned having one and the way he boasted about it made my interest perk up

"Yeah, right here, in front of me. You can turn around if you want to see," I did as asked as I was confused about what he was referring to.

As I turned around, I was greeted with the reflection of me gazing back at me through the mirror. My eyes moved down in shyness as my cheeks gained color.

Daksh walked to me and guided my chin up with his right thumb and index fingers as his left hand rested on the curve of my waist.

"Isn't my peacock more beautiful?" He asked in a soft tone as he pressed a gentle kiss on my temple. I nodded unable to form words.

"I know it's supposed to be peahen but peacock sounds more beautiful.  So, shall we, my dear peacock?" He forwarded his hand and I slid mine in, intertwined our fingers together as we continued with our tour.

Daksh took me to Sheesh Mahal which was built by Maharana Pratap for his wife Maharani Ajabde who happens to be his first and favorite wife. Even though the Mahal was breathtakingly beautiful, I couldn't help the uneasiness in my heart. Daksh held me from the back and placed a kiss on my forehead and I leaned back onto him.

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