3.Chillis and Sweets

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Happy Ugadi my dear lovely people. 

Ugadi is telugu new year which is celebrated by having ugadi pachhadi which is prepared using jaggery, neem flowers, mango, tamarind, salt, chilli powder and pepper which is a combination of 6 different tastes which teaches people to accept all the tastes and memories life gives us and it is life a combination of everything.


"So you jump off the walls?" He asked looking at me.

I felt like a child caught by her mother while stealing chocolate.

"I was practicing." was my not-so-intelligent reply. Like what the hell was I practicing jumping off a wall in college time? Am I in my senses or my brain slipped out of my body due to my jump?

"Practicing?" He asked raising a brow.

"Yeah...Pole jump. I was practicing pole jump." Here comes another dumb excuse of me.

"Without a pole?" He asked again.

Right now I am feeling like the most stupid person in the world. I face-palmed myself in embarrassment. I couldn't meet his gaze.

After an uncomfortable silence, he spoke again.

"So who's Hitler?" Shit! He heard what the junior said right? Waah beta what a great first impression you made! First, you got caught escaping from the college and now he will know the nickname you gave to your principal. You are a total pappu(dumb or stupid).

"That's.. that's  our principal!" I answered in an embarrassed tone.

"And concentration camp?" He asked again.

"His office." Right now I just wish I could disappear. It's so embarrassing.

He started laughing hard. I laughed nervously.

"See you soon Chaitra!" He said controlling his laugh.

"See you soon Mr. Chauhan!" I replied and literally ran inside.


"See you soon Mr. Chauhan!" saying this she ran inside.  She calling me Mr. Chauhan is somehow irking me. I want her to call me by my first name.

But considering it our first meeting, I want her to address me by my first name is a very strange feeling for me too. 

I went to my office after that. 

The next two days went in a blur.

On Thursday evening I am sitting on the lawn with Nithi di, Rohan, Ronak, Naksh, and his wife Divya. We were talking some random stuff when Abhi, Maitri, Rakshit, Aakansha, and Akshaya came laughing. They are holding their stomachs and are laughing like fools.

"What happened to you? Why are you laughing like that?" Nithi di asked.

"Di.. Woh.. Woh.." Aakansha tried to speak in the middle of her laughs.

"Guys, what's so funny? Tell us so that we can also laugh!" Divya asked.

"Di woh Chaitra di.. she.." Maitri is trying to hold her laugh and speak now.

Listening to her name my interest in that topic increased 100 times.

"Will someone just say what happened?" Naksh asked getting irritated.

"Bhai woh... " Akshaya started narrating the incident.


We were all doing our work when Tanya a spoiled brat came to us and started accusing us of being partial and making one of our classmates win.

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