73. Wedding I

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It was so hard for me to resist replying to all those heartfelt comments in the previous chapter but I had to hold back so as not to hinder the target. Well at last I did end up replying to a few comments though.

Thank you for all the lovely comments and support. 

Finally the wedding chapter!! But we have another wedding waiting for us. I have added reference pictures to the previous chapters too. Check them out if you haven't already.

Hope you will enjoy this chapter equally too! Enough of my rambling. Happy reading!


Today is finally the day everyone awaited. Though Chaitra's family was a little gloomy about sending her away, their happiness and excitement to see their little angel getting married was palpable. Her brothers didn't have time to breathe as they ran around arranging everything for their little sister's special day. 

Chaitra, Ishika, and Bindu had to force them to have their breakfast which they ate in utmost hurry and left soon. After a while, Nithi tied the sehera/shafa around Daksh's head and applied a black dot behind his ear to ward off the evil eyes. Then the barat started from Monsoon Palace/ Sajjangarh Palace as per Daksh's Dadi sa's wish. All of Daksh's side reached there in the early hours and are now going back to the city palace with Barat.

As the barat proceeded, Daksh's family danced heartily. His sisters were on cloud nine to get Chaitra, their favorite senior as their Bhabi maa while his brothers and best friends were happy that finally their 'not so interested in girls' Daksh found a girl like Chaitra. They couldn't be more thankful to god for sending her as his soul mate. The elders were happy to see their son's happiness as his happiness reflected from the glow of his face. 

On the other hand, Chaitra was looking at her lehenga lying on her bed when she remembered her panic and the way Daksh and her brothers comforted her.

Yesterday night, Daksh showed Chaitra and her brothers the lehenga he got specially designed for her. It was a red lehenga like Chaitra asked with beautiful intrinsic patterns woven into the fabric with fine gold threads. The skillfully woven patterns of different sizes all over the lehenga added elegance to it. The edges of the dupatta too were woven with golden borders with different patterns inside them. Chaitra's eyes bulged at the beauty of the lehenga while her mouth hung open on seeing the detailed attention the designers gave to all the insights she gave when Daksh asked. 

"It's... it's gorgeous," She managed to breathe out as she felt the fabric and the patterns with her hands.

"Not more than you," Daksh's reply was instant and it made her brothers look between the couple with a teasing smile making Chaitra flush crimson. 

But soon her mood turned sour as panic surged into her making her fidget with her fingers in nervousness. Akash was quick to observe his sister's dull face and  question about it, "Chinni, what happened?" His question diverted other's attention to her who now looked at her with concerned expressions.

"Didn't you like the lehenga, Jaan? I've asked them to bring the other lehengas too," Daksh replied quickly. Though he wanted her to wear this particular lehenga and constantly monitored the work on this, it was not more important than his Jaan's happiness.

"I love the lehenga," Chaitra took a break while the others patiently waited for her to share the reason behind her sour mood.

"But what if I fall wearing it?" She questioned in panic as she imagined herself falling on her face in front of all the guests when she would be the center of attention. Her question made all of them smile softly at her before all of them replied at once, "You won't," She nodded at them though she was a little scared.

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