28. I'm real

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I came back to Jaipur yesterday evening lying to my family that I had important work. Yes, I lied to them. When I heard that creep proposing to her I lost my cool. It took every ounce of self-control in me to stop myself from killing that bastard. 

He dared to say she was trying to accept me and didn't actually want to be with me. But what hurt me more was she agreed that she took more time to think about me. I had a feeling that she was going to say something that would break my heart. So, I just left from there.

I couldn't even dare to meet her in the evening as I said due to this fear. Was she going to reject me? That thought was enough to scare the hell out of me. So, I just ran away like a coward. I am incapable of leaving her and I won't be able to live if she says she wants to leave me. So, I just ran away instead of facing the reality. I turned off my phone too. If I see her calling I wouldn't be able to resist answering her calls.

After a week

A weak passed with me avoiding talking to her. I did talk to her but not more than a few words. Every time she said she wanted to say something I cut the call giving excuses. I know I am being childish but I am not ready to get rejected by her. 

I will never be!

"What are the plans for tomorrow?" Rohan asked breaking my thoughts.

"For what?" I asked rolling my eyes. He did the same before taking a seat across from me.

"For your birthday idiot!" He said in an 'isn't-it-obvious' tone.

"Nothing!" I said shrugging my shoulders. He shook his head dismissively and went away. I continued my work. 

I went home at 4 p.m as I had a meeting with clients at 6 p.m. and the file was left at home. It seemed quite silent.' Where is everyone?' I thought to myself. I saw Maitri walking towards the kitchen. She saw me and passed a smile which I returned.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked her. 

"Elders went shopping and these idiots went somewhere leaving me when I slept!" She huffed and I smiled at her antics. 

"I will take you out on Saturday, only you and me!" I said ruffling her hair and she grinned nodding positively.

"Coffee?" She asked and I  gave her a thumbs up and walked up to my room. 

I saw her standing look at my photo frame.

I must have gone mad and imagined her! I chuckled to myself and threw my blazer on the bed. I took off the first two buttons of my shirt and rolled up my sleeves.

I took a few steps and engulfed her in a tight hug. She stiffed at first but relaxed later.

Why does it feel so real?

I rested my chin on her shoulder and tightened my grip around her. She too leaned back and placed her hands on mine. I just wish this becomes real. But how come I am able to hug her?

"Tired?" She asked in her melodious voice. 

"Not after seeing you!" I replied and saw her smiling. I can do anything for this smile.

"When will we be like this in real?" I asked hiding my face in the crook of her neck.

"Huh?" She asked getting confused. 

"When will you be in our room waiting for me in real? How long should I keep imagining us?" I asked kissing her cheek. Blush crept over her cheeks. 

"I am real!" She announced and I just kissed her cheek again before turning her toward me.

"I wish you are!" I said pecking her forehead. She was about to say something when I heard a knock on my door. 

I opened the door and saw Maitri standing with a tray in her hand. There are 3 coffee cups in the tray. Why three? She walked in and kept the tray on the table.

She passed a cup to me and a cup to her. She smelled the coffee and her eyes lit up when the smell hit her nostrils.


Wait! How can Maitri see her if she was my imagination? Is she here for real?

"Bhai!" Maitri yelled making me come out of shock.

Shit! What the hell did I do just now? She must be thinking I have gone nuts!

"Huh!" I replied still looking at her with eyes wide open.

"You can stare at bhabi later. First, have your coffee!" Maitri said in a teasing tone and she looked down blushing. I glared at Maitri which didn't have any effect on her.

"Okay, guys! I am leaving. I have some work." Maitri said and they both went down to keep the cups.  I just stood in my place processing everything that happened a while ago.

After I came out of my thoughts I went looking for her and saw her kissing roses and caressing them with so much love.

Why am I not in the place of those roses?

I walked towards her and stood beside her with my hands in my pockets.

"I thought you were going to avoid me after you came to know I was not your imagination." She said not sparing me a glance. I can sense hurt in her voice.

"I was busy." I gave her the stupidest excuse.

"Really?" She asked now looking at me. I don't know why I couldn't lie looking at her face.

"Sorry!" I said in a low voice with my head hung low.

"Don't avoid me, please! I can't take it. It hurts." She said with teary eyes and I quickly engulfed in a hug. 

"Never!" I said kissing the top of her head. She wrapped her hands around me and just like that my restless heart found its peace. 

"When did you come?" I asked breaking the hug. She smiled looking at me. The smile melts me every time.

"An hour ago. Everyone is here." She said referring to her and now my family.

"Where are they?" I asked wrapping my hands around her shoulder.

"Went out with others. I stayed back to meet you." She replied.

"How did you know I was coming back?" I asked as I didn't inform any of the family members.

"Rohan bhai called your assistant when I asked him about you and he said you were coming back." She replied and I nodded.

"When will you leave for your meeting?" She asked.

"In an hour," I replied and she nodded. 

"Can you take me out with you? I have some shopping to do and I have to meet someone!" She said giving me her puppy eyes. How can I resist her when she acts so cute?

"Okay. My meeting ends in an hour. Then we can shop." I said and she giggled like a kid. 

"Thank you!" She said hugging me. I hugged her back. 

I feel relaxed in her embrace. She is my home, my comfort!

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