78. The cat-mouse chase

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I've added their Talambralu clothes at the end of the chapter. 

Okay, after spending two days to decide Chaitra's saree, I decided to stay away from my wedding shopping. I was really confused with all the choices and if I am ever to buy something for my big day, I won't be able to find it ever I guess! I better rely on my mother.

Okay sorry for the rant! Enjoy reading!


After Pandit Ji asked us to move for the next ritual, we moved out of the hall as the ritual was Arundathi Darshan. In this ritual, the groom will show the bride the star Arundathi who was a devoted wife to Rishi Vasishta, and their pair was considered as an ideal pair. In this ritual, the groom shows the star to the bride and it is believed that during this ritual, the couple blesses the newlyweds with lifelong togetherness and loyalty towards each other.

"Son, show the Arundathi to your wife," The priest instructed Daksh and he looked at the sky for a minute before turning back to Pandit Ji.

"There is no single star in the sky, Pandit Ji. What do you want me to show her?" He asked with confusion evident in his tone as he took another glance at the sky void of stars. I giggled a little while the others too chuckled.

"Son, it's just a ritual. You can just point to the sky and once Chaitra joins her hands in that direction we will be done with it," Mama explained to Daksh but he shook his head in negative.

"Still Uncle, I don't want to do that. We are just married and you are asking me to fake a ritual with my wife. I won't do that," He affirmed strongly making Pandit Ji glance at me with a requesting gaze.

"From where do you get all these special species Chaithu? Did you teach your stupidity to Daksh too?" Atha asked holding my ear and making me fake yelp. I looked at Daksh who was looking at me confused while my brothers were grinning.

"Atha leave my ear and I will give you a solution," I demanded and she left my ear in an instant. I giggled and looked at Hithu who came to us with a grin and passed his tab to Daksh. 

"That's Arundathi and Vasisht.  We got the pic from a friend working at ISRO," He explained but everyone was still looking confused. Huithu took his tab back, stood a few feet away from us, and gestured for me to explain.

"Show the star to me, Aksh. This way you won't be lying to me," I explained. He gave me an unsure look but with a reassuring blink from me, he wrapped his one hand around my shoulder and pointed the index finger of the other hand towards the screen of the tab and I joined my hands praying for our togetherness.

"Thank god! Now only appaginthalu is left," with that, Pandit Ji dashed inside.

"You still have that pic?" Annayya asked from behind making me jump a little in fear and my hold on Daksh's hand tightened on its won.

"Still? They had it from before?" Ananya asked confused. I and Hithu shared a look and giggled like fools while Dev bhai was smiling at us and Annayya, well he was glaring at us.

"These two monkeys scared Akash saying he would be lying to his wife during the ritual as theirs was a morning wedding and demanded a new game console in exchange for a solution. That was when they requested one of my friends working at NASA back then to get a picture of the stars." Dev bhai explained and everyone started laughing at the faces Annayya made.

"Oh madam, stop giggling! Your husband is no better than me. Ours was still a morning wedding but your man showed you the stars in tablet even in a night wedding," He spat at me making us laugh harder. 

"Now shall we go in? Pandit Ji must be waiting for us," Maami put a stop to our laughing session and we all walked in. 

I was made to stand between Mumma and Nanna while Ishika bhabi stood beside Mumma holding a bowl filled with milk and rose petals. Daksh's entire family stood in a line in front of us. Mumma and Nanna held my hands and dipped them in milk before putting my palms over the extended ones of his father's rubbing the milk. They made me do the same with all the family members and I had to gulp multiple times to stop myself from crying.

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