39. Monster?

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The next morning when I woke up and went to the balcony, I saw Daksh and Nithi Di sitting on the lawn discussing something. I smiled at the scene and went to freshen up. I got ready and went down. I greeted everyone and Rohan bhai asked me to come with him and I followed him like a lost puppy.

"Bhai, where are you taking me?" I asked him once we both were alone. Where is he taking me early in the morning? Even the malls won't be open this early.

"To eavesdrop on my wife and your soon-to-be husband!" He replied so normally making me look at him with my eyes and mouth wide open. I couldn't stop myself from blushing hearing that husband part though!

"What? Why would we do that?" I asked holding his hand and stopping him from taking another step.

"Because I want to know how he manage to convince that hard nut every time. It will help me in the future." He replied as if it was the most obvious thing. But about what Daksh is convincing Di early in the morning? And, why Rohan bhai wants me there?

"About what he is convincing her and why are you taking me?" I asked dumbfounded. Like what would I get eavesdropping on them? What if we get caught? I don't want to spoil my impression of Di even before our marriage.

"About your marriage! My wife thinks she will become a hippo in 5 months and wants you two to get married in a month. Daksh doesn't want to force you so he is trying to convince her. I am taking you with me because he wouldn't be able to scold me if you were my partner in crime!" He said shrugging his shoulders. Am I really doing good by taking time? Everyone else wants us to get married as soon as possible, but am I ready to take that step? Is he ready to take that huge responsibility? I was lost in my thoughts when Rohan bhai nudged me.

"Where are you lost? Let's go!" He said grabbing my hand and was about to walk further but I stopped him pulling my hand back.

"You are using me as your shield?" I asked him to which he nodded smiling sheepishly. I thought only my brothers did that to get away from our parents but now he too started but this time it was to save himself from Daksh! I know our parents don't scold me which my brothers used to their advantage but Daksh? I doubt that! And is he that scary?

"You are saying as if he is some monster! He doesn't even raise his voice!" I exclaimed and Rohan bhai started laughing like mad. What joke did I crack now? I looked at him confused. Just then Naksh bhai came there and he too joined Rohan bhai after Rohan bhai repeated what I said. I kept looking at them when Daksh came there and stood behind them.

"God! Chaitra! He is a monster. If that monster doesn't spit fire in front of you that doesn't mean he is some calm and cool dude! He is the most ruthless one. He would have fired me 100 times till now if I was his employee. He is sweet and caring only to you." He said making me look at Daksh. His gaze was so intense that I looked down blushing.

"Bhai, Daksh..." I tried to warn them but they didn't stop.

"what Daksh? Didn't you see how he ordered us not to disturb you that day on the jet? He is worse than that. His anger is like a volcano! God, only I know how I am bearing him for years!" Naksh bhai exclaimed. Why are they behaving like idiots? I tried warning them with my eyes but no! They are busy praising their best friend.

"Bhai, what if he hears you?" I asked them gesturing to their back. But no! They didn't get one thing and continued with their talks.

"How would he? That volcano is busy making another understand na!" Rohan bhai exclaimed making Nithi Di glare at him. He is gone today! One of this brother-sister duo would kill him with their looks only.

"Bhai!" I exclaimed pleading them with my eyes to stop their nonsense.

"What Chaithu? You are feeling bad that we are calling him a volcano?" Naksh bhai asked in a teasing tone making me want to just hit my head somewhere.

"That volcano is standing behind you and Rohan bhai, your another volcano too! All the best!" I said waving at Nithi Di and Daksh.

"Hello! Hello!" Naksh bhai ran away putting his phone to his ear which didn't even ring. I laughed at him but three glares made me shut up immediately. 

"My file, I forgot it in my room!" Saying so, Rohan bhai too ran away. Leaving me alone. They both turned towards me with that same glare. What did I even say?

"I swear, I didn't even utter a word!" I said raising my hands and was about to run away when Daksh held my wrist stopping me. I looked at both of them with pleading eyes.

"You are so cute, Chithu! Daksh, you handle your wife. I will teach my husband a lesson!" Saying so Di walked away leaving me as a blushing mess with that wife word.

"So?" Daksh asked taking a step closer to me while I took a back step. My heartbeats quickened due to our proximity.

"No...nothing! I...I have to...go!" I stuttered badly. He took another step and turned me so my back hit the wall. He stood in front of me caging me between him and the wall. 

"What were you doing here?" He asked taking another step. Now, we are very close. Just a few inches away from each other. I bit my inner cheeks looking down.

"Rohan bhai dragged me here saying he wants to see and learn how you convince Di," I said in a mere whisper. He hummed tucking a hair strand behind my ear.

"What was he saying?" he asked in a husky voice moving more closer. I felt my body getting hot. He slowly held my shoulders and traced his long fingers from my shoulder blade to my elbows and then to my wrists. I just looked down blushing.

"That you...you are a very angry man and a monster!" I said trying not to stutter. He intervened our fingers once he reached my fingers from my shoulders. He pulled me closer by our intervened hands and wound the other hand around my waist making my throat go dry and eyes wide.

"That I am but that is what my job demands. I can't be sweet and expect workers to complete their tasks. And about family, you know my friends are idiots and these youngsters love pranks. I have to be strict to ensure that they stay out of trouble." He said snuggling his head into my neck and rubbing his nose on the crock of my neck. His hot breaths fanned my neck making me go weak. Thank god, he is holding me.

"Will you shout at me too?" I asked him and heard him chuckle into my neck. He rubbed his cheeks with mine and bent to my ear.

"No! It should be a huge reason for me to shout at you. I promise I will try not to yell at you and make you understand by explaining things." He said in his husky voice and blew air there making me shudder.

"How... how big?" I heard myself. He looked up into my eyes and kissed my forehead.

"Big enough to get you into trouble." He said and again dipped his head in my neck. His one hand was busy rubbing the back of my palm while the other was caressing my waist. My eyes were closed and his head was so close to my neck that I could feel his warmth. We were lost in that moment until his phone went off. I heard him groan as he stood straight. 

"I have to take this!" He said looking at the caller ID. I nodded and was about to run away but he pulled me back and kissed my hand that was in his and then left it mouthing a 'love you'. I ran in after that blushing like a tomato.

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