31. Let's get married

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The party was going on in full swing and Daksh was talking to the guests. Well, it's the same with almost everyone. Maybe I am the only one whom no one knows here. Even though I have a start-up of my own it's Annayya, Dev bhai, and Hithen who attend all the meetings as I don't want Nanna to find it out. I just do my work and sign the papers which require my signature. It's not like I let my brothers do all the job. The ideas they present and the way my company works are all my ways. It's not because he will not support me but because I want to achieve this on my own without any help from him and he being him will always try to help me if he finds out. Well, I am his precious princess so!

Back to the present time, I am sitting with my friends. Mr. Chauhan invited them and they agreed happily. We were having some funny conversations and joking around when Daksh came to us.

"Happy birthday, sir!" They wished him.

"Thank you, guys!" He replied and took a sip from my juice glass. I looked down blushing. He kept down the glass and winked at me. Thank god, my friends didn't notice this. Otherwise, they will tease me a lot.

"Are you enjoying?" He asked them to which they all replied positively. The host announced couple dance at the same time. Daksh looked at me and I blinked my eyes giving him my consent. He forwarded his hand which I took and we both went to the dance floor.

The song started playing in the background and I looked into his eyes. Everything seemed perfect to me at this moment. I know my decision was right. We both danced for a while.

"I will be waiting for you,"  I said before we ended the dance and walked away from there.  I went back to my room and got ready. I have planned a surprise for him. I hope he likes it. At 10:00 I heard a knock on my door and opened the door to find him leaning on the wall looking at me. 

"You look gorgeous!" He said kissing my forehead.

"Thank you! And you are looking handsome too!" I replied with a shy smile and I heard him chuckle.

"Well, thank you, Jaan!" He replied and I felt those butterflies again.

"Let's go?" I asked holding his arm and he nodded smiling.

"I'll drive!" I announced and took the car keys from the worker. He gave me an amused look and sat in the passenger seat. I drove us to the destination. He held my hand once we got down and we both walked hand-in-hand.

"How is it?" I asked once we reached. He looked at everything with a mesmerizing smile and looked at me.

"Beautiful!" He breathed out. I guided him to the table and we both took our seats.

"We already had our dinner. So, let's have pastries now!" I said taking off the lid and forwarding him his plate. He nodded his head and we both had our pastries and talked about random topics.

"Happy birthday Mr.Chauhan!" I wished him.

"It's Daksh for you!" He replied and I nodded with a smile.

"Happy birthday Daksh!" I wished him again and he gave me a genuine smile.

"Finally, you are calling me by my name!" He gave me a teasing look that made me blush more.

"I'll call you by many names once we get married!" I replied and he raised his brow with a naughty smile and kissed my cheek. I felt goosebumps all over my body. I smiled and kissed him back.

"I want to say you something," I said fidgeting with my fingers. I am sure about it but nervous at the same time.

"What is it?" He asked taking my hands in his and kissing my palm. It did relax me a little. He rubbed the back of my hands and I took a long breath before saying it.

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