13. They know!

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I enjoyed myself a lot during the reception and we were going back to Seema's home when my phone went off. It was Dad, I picked it up immediately with a smile but what I heard from that side made my heart stumble.

It can't happen! No, it shouldn't be happening!

After that, I just sat there numb. I can feel Abhishek and Seema trying to talk to me. They are looking at me but I couldn't process anything. I just sat there rooted to my place with tears rolling down my cheeks.

I am feeling helpless.

After some time someone held my hand and started walking away with my hand in his. I am unable to process anything but I was feeling a little better with my hand in his. It felt like he was walking me out of the darkness and loneliness I was feeling for the last few minutes.

After some time when I came back to my senses, I saw Daksh in the driving seat. He is taking me somewhere but my heart said I am safe with him around so I didn't ask any questions. He felt like the cool breeze of air in the summer.

He stopped the car finally at a park and took me inside. He hugged me tight as soon as we walked in. It was all I needed. I broke down in his arms. He caressed me drawing circles on my back. I kept sobbing continuously hiding myself in his warm embrace. 

After some time when my sobs died down I pulled away from him. He intervened our fingers and we sat on a bench staring into the distance.

I hugged myself due to coldness.

He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me.

"What happened?" He asked breaking the silence between us. His eyes seemed to assure me saying he is with me in this. 

"My grandma... she got a heart attack!" I said again bursting into tears.

"Shh... She will be fine! We will go meet her if that makes you feel at ease!" He said wiping away my tears.

"Will you take me there?" I asked hoping he would agree. He nodded a yes and made a call.

"Let's go Chaitra! Our jet is ready!" He said getting up and forwarding his hand towards me.

I took his hand and we both walked towards his car. We left for the airport and took off to Hyderabad from there.

I called vadina and informed her about our arrival before taking off and she said she would send the driver to the airport to pick us up.

The driver took us to the hospital where they admitted Nanamma( dad's mother). Atha( aunt/bua) and my parents are sitting out of the operating theatre along with annayya and Vadina standing beside Dad.

"How's nanamma?" I asked as soon as I walked toward Annayya.

"She's in OT." He replied in a low tone.

I stood there along with them. After some time doctor came out. Out of everything he said I only understood that she is fine for now but she doesn't have much time left for her.

After that the doctor left and Annayya and Vadina convinced the elders to go home and take some rest.  I insisted on staying with them and they know very well about my bonding with Nanamma so they just let me stay.

After some time Annayya and Vadina dozed off on the chairs outside. I walked to Daksh and took a seat beside him.

"Thank you!" I said letting out a breath of relief.

He just shook his head and smiled at me.

"I am sorry for disturbing your sleep," I said feeling truly guilty for making him travel with me at midnight.

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