80. Farewell

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My sleep broke when I felt the sun's rays hitting my eyes. I turned around and found my wife wrapped in my arms. An instant feeling of peace and protectiveness surged into me making me hug her even tighter. I tucked a hair strand behind her ear and gently kissed her forehead. It was just 6 a.m so I chose to admire my sleeping Jaan instead of waking her up.

I felt some movement outside the door and gently separated her from my hold and walked to the door. I found her father outside the door hesitating whether to knock or not. I gave him a smile and touched his feet seeking blessings. 

"I am sorry. Did I disturb you, beta?" He asked and I immediately shook my head in denial. 

"No, Dad. You didn't. Come in," I moved a little giving him the way to enter. He looked at Chaitra and kissed her forehead before turning to me with a smile. 

"Let her sleep, beta. I will come later," I could see him hesitating about something. He wants to say something but he is not saying it.

"Shall we talk outside, Dad?" I asked and he nodded before turning to her for one last time. We both walked downstairs and sat in the garden. The morning rays reflected on the dew drops on the leaves making them shine and the birds chirped around adding a serene beauty to the mesmerizing morning. 

"What is it, Dad?" I asked turning my entire attention to him. 

"I know you love my daughter a lot, beta. But you know the situation too and I can't stop myself from worrying about her. You know why I was adamant about getting her married. I told you everything beforehand not wanting to keep secrets from you. I have managed all these years without letting her brothers know about it. They would have killed him if they had found out. I am well aware of your anger too. You can handle him as you please as it is about your wife now but make sure not to leave any traces behind. You can also tell her brothers if you want to," He explained and I nodded after thinking about it thoroughly. 

I will not keep it a secret from her brothers. I promised them to share every threat against her with them and I am not going to break that promise. I will show them hell for even thinking about harming my wife but before that, I want her to mingle with my family. Once she gets comfortable with them, I will start the destruction of him. 

"What are you both father-in-law and son-in-law doing here? We have a puja to arrange, Raghav. Call Pandit Ji once." We heard Mumma shout from the main door and Dad got up from his place. He patted my back before walking in with his phone attached to his ear.

"Do you want something to eat beta?" Mumma asked and I shook my head in denial. I was about to walk in when Rohan walked out in his sweatpants and tee and disheveled hair. He looked like he woke up from half-sleep.

"Why do you look so grumpy in the morning itself?" I asked chuckling at which he threw a glare at me. 

"Stop chuckling. You are going to face the same in the future. Your sister suddenly wants to eat samosa early in the morning." He complained and I burst out laughing at it. Di is making him run around the city with her weird demands at weird times.

"Will you please stop laughing and drive us to a shop? I am sleepy and don't know any areas here," He almost begged. I nodded at him still laughing. Chaitra told me about a famous tiffin center here. I will take him there.

"Let me ask if Bindu Bhabi wants something. We will go after that," I suggested and he nodded agreeing. I asked her if she wanted something and she asked me to bring a masala Dosa. 

We both drove to the tiffin center and placed our orders. I wanted to buy something for my wife and just then I saw a little girl selling flowers on the road. I bought a flower for her and informed one of my men to get her admission to the school under our trust. 

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