26. She will get married when she wants to!

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I felt very happy when she introduced me as her fiance. I stopped myself from saying that thinking she was not ready yet but she said it herself making me the happiest man on the earth. I got a call from the office saying I have a meeting to attend. I took her to my office as I wanted to keep her close to me. I will be leaving for Jaipur in two days while she will stay back for 15 more days. I will miss her like hell. I was on cloud nine when she said she would miss me. 

I left to attend my meeting while she stayed back in my office. It was about acquiring a company, which we got successfully, and by the time I reached my office, and found her sitting on the couch. I sat beside her with a frown and she set my hair with a smile. 

"Are you going back?" She asked in a sad tone. I wish I could just take her with me. I want to keep her with me always.

"Hmm" I hmmed and she shocked me by wrapping her hands around my neck. I pulled her closer after getting out of shock.

"I will miss you," She whispered making my heart flutter. She will miss me! That means she started to have feelings for me. Thank you, god!

"I will miss you more jaan!" I replied. I called her Jaan not because it's a nickname I want to give her but because that's what she is to me. My life! 

Then I had to attend an online conference so, I left for the conference room after kissing her forehead.

After the conference, I opened the door only to find my two best friends talking to her and she is laughing so hard. A smile formed on my lips seeing her laugh heartfully. 

"What's going on guys?" I asked sitting beside her. She is trying hard to control her laugh. What did these jokers say that she is laughing so hard?

"You... you look damn cute with that makeup." She said amid her laughs and fell on my shoulder laughing. I held her securely and glared at my friends.

"She said she was bored. So, we just showed her the pic of you when Akshaya and Aakansha did your makeup." they both said laughing. I threw a file at them and it hit Rohan right on his face. Naksh started laughing hard and Rohan threw a file at Naksh. Soon, they both started fighting like mad and I saw the beauty in my arms. 

I tucked her hair strands behind her ear and kissed her forehead. She stopped laughing and looked into my eyes. Every other thing seemed to vanish magically. Her eyes are filled with different positive emotions and she is looking angelic to my eyes. I just kept staring at her and she didn't break the eye lock either. 

Then she did something I never expected. She kissed my cheek. Yes, she freaking kissed me. I placed my hand on the spot she kissed to feel her. She scurried away after saying bye to my friends who were so indulged in fighting. 

I got up from my place and walked out with my hand still on my cheek. I stepped on something which broke along with my trance. I looked around to find my office in a complete mess with peppers and files scattered all over. I glared at my friends who stopped fighting now. They gulped looking at my angry face.

They started cleaning the mess and we had our lunch with Chaitras' family. We will be leaving in 2 days and tomorrow our family priests are going to check our horoscopes to decide a date. 

Next day

I got ready early and started checking some files to divert my mind. I am nervous would be an understatement. I just hope no one forces Chaitra or tries to manipulate her decision today. Even though I want to get married to her as soon as possible I don't want her to be forced into something when she is not ready.  I am going to fight all of them if required.

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