45. Her favorites

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I had to come to Dubai in the morning as we encountered a problem in the branch that we started recently. I called Maa and informed her about my travel but didn't call Chaitra thinking she might be busy in the class. I turned off my phone before I boarded the jet and turned it on after I was done with my meeting. 

The moment I turned on my mobile a notification popped up. It was a message from her. I opened it immediately and a smile formed on my lips seeing her message. She got selected for an internship at our company along with my brothers. She also mentioned getting selected for another company along with mine.

I called her immediately and I knew she was with our gang as there were pictures and beautiful curses as replies between my cousins. I decided to call her before opening the family group and seeing those pictures and dialed her number. She answered the call after a few rings.

She got upset knowing I came to Dubai and didn't inform her. I soothed her and promised that it would be the last time. Then I teased her a little. Teasing her is becoming my favorite hobby nowadays. She is really something that keeps me sane. I won't say that my life was bad or dark before her but it became more happy and meaningful after her entry. I feel complete with her.

I need to stay here for one more day to check all the details and sort out the issue completely. I sighed and sat back on the couch placed in my hotel room. I called Abhi and asked him to drop her back at her hostel. She is really very energetic to roam like that but I can't take chances with her health.

After a few minutes, I received a good night text from her. She reached the hostel and was about to sleep. I texted her a sleep-tight kitten but didn't get any reply. She must be tired. A sigh escaped my lips. I have to handle this overly enthusiastic baby all my life and I am gad that I am going to. I opened my family group and saw their pics at the restaurant and mall. She was smiling wholeheartedly and that is something I wish to see all my life.

There were a few arguments below the pics. Obviously between the people who went to party and the people who were left behind. It's really funny to see my family fighting like that. No, this time it was not about her, it was about leaving them behind and partying. They are all adults but fight like kids. I chuckled at their colorful scoldings and kept the mobile away.

The next morning, I got a notification when I opened my eyes. It was a text from her.

'Good morning, to-be-husband!

 I did sleep tight. 

Complete your work and come back soon.

 My brothers are coming in two days and I am going out to celebrate with them. 

Only you are left to celebrate with me.

Have a great day!'

A wide smile spread across my face seeing the way she addressed me. I replied to her with a See you soon and wished her a great day which I am sure she will, given the fact that she is going to meet her gang in two days and will be very excited about it. Their bond is something I adore. 

The day went with checking all the financial records, a few project files, and two meetings. By the end of the day the work was done and I was ready to leave. I called my pilot and we were ready to fly but another meeting came up that made me stay back for four more hours.

I reached home by 10 in the morning and headed to my room to sleep off the tiredness. I didn't have the energy to even eat. I was hell-tired and just wanted to sleep. I slept till 2 and had my lunch alone as no one was home. Maa, Chachis, and Aunty went to some NGO to donate some money and toys, men were at the office while the youngsters went to college. I am pretty much alone in this big mansion.

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