16. An exam & Lunch!

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I came back at nearly 5 and attended my meeting. I am still worried about her. I could have called her if I had her number but I don't. I have to get her number as soon as possible. My meeting went well and I went back home and dozed off as soon as I hit the bed due to tiredness.

I woke up the next morning and got ready. I walked down to have my breakfast. Abhi and Rakshith are deeply engrossed in reading something and stuffed their mouths with food unaware of what they are eating even. 

"Look at the food while you are eating you fools!" Surekha Chachi scolded them.

"We have an exam Badi maa! We are just checking our seating arrangements!" Rakshith replied still engrossed in his mobile. If they have an exam Chaitra is having an exam too. I hope she is not stressed out about the exam. I will just go check up on her before leaving for the office.

I had my breakfast quickly and drove off to college. I called my assistant and asked him to reschedule my first meeting for some other time. Soon my car stopped in front of the college gate. I got down and started searching for her. I found her standing under a tree after searching for 10 minutes. 

I walked towards her and the frown on her face and her fidgeting fingers proved my doubt right.

"Hi!" I said standing beside her. She looked at me turning towards her right and raising her beautiful eyelashes.

"Hi!" Her voice came out as a mere whisper. Her hands are shaking due to tension.

"You will do well!" I said holding her hands in mine to stop her shivering.

"I didn't prepare 2 chapters! What if I can't perform well?" She asked looking down.

"Have you heard classes?" I asked her and she nodded yes. 

"Have you read the topics before?" I asked again and she again nodded yes.

"See, you didn't revise the topics but you do have an idea about them. Just try to recall what you learned previously and do it with a cool mind. Don't freak out. You will do well!" I said and she visibly relaxed a little. 

"Thank you!" She said finally looking at me. 

"There is no need to thank me. Just write your exam well. All the best!" I said leaving her hands half-heartedly.

"Thank you!" She said again and went in.

I too went back and completed my meeting. After that when it was lunch time I again went to college just to make sure she was fine. She was coming out of the exam hall when I reached there.

"Hi!" She waved at me with a bright smile and ran into my hands. She gave me a hug. This is the first time she has been this close to me that too is on her own will.

"I wrote very well. Thank you! Thank you!" she said hugging me tight. She looks like a little girl who has her favorite toy right now.

"You are the one who did well Chiathu! Why are you thanking me?" I asked patting her head. She left me and stood a little distance.

"Because you motivated me in the morning when I was freaking out. If you had not come I would have freaked out and forgotten whatever I knew too! So thank you!" She said smiling widely. I can do anything to keep that smile intact.

"You will always find me beside you whenever you need me Chaithu and that's a promise!" I said looking straight into her eyes. She blushed and averted her gaze.

"Why are you here by the way?" She asked suddenly remembering.

"I wanted to check up on you! I was feeling restless so!" I said scratching the back of my neck with a nervous smile. She blushed a little and turned away fidgeting her fingers. We did meet a few times before too but now it feels different. It feels like I am meeting her for the first time. Maybe it is because now we are going to get married and she started treating me more than just her college chairman.

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