Bad, Good, New and Question

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So I'm sorry to say but I'm semi Leaving Wattpad, I'm still going come on here to read the books I love to read, but I'm not going to be posting any New Chapters, Sorry.

I'm moving over to "Archive of my Own", cause I find it better in some regards. Though I still find Wattpad better in some areas.

As for my Books, they're being moved and rewritten as I have gotten better at writing, in my opinion. The only book fully brought over was my "Valkyria Chronicles: Gallian Front", with "Spartan Among Dolls" behind it. As for this Book, "My Clone Army", I'm still surprised this was my most popular Book.

Alittle background to it, this was a Story Idea that came to me in the middle of night, when barely halfway awake. Came up with the basics in an Half-awake Half-Asleep state before posting the "Bio" Chapter and went back to bed.

Initially this story was ment to be a "RWBY x Star Wars" Book, ment to replace my previous one. However instead of following "during the Clones Wars/Galactic Civil War/ First Order-Resistance war we find ourselves over Remnant", I decide to do something different.

I decide to dig into the Star Wars "Hero's Journey" and create a journey where my Characters fail, succeed, grow, change, while show elements of this books orgin as a MASSIVE Harem Book. However, making this Harem not "forced" but earned.

I don't know if I did it correctly, even though the views and up votes says other wise. I did find some mistake, retcons, and controversy parts of the story.

So I'm re-writing and re-posting it on "Archive my own" and I just want ask to those that read this Book and got it to where it is now;

Just what captivated you in this story?

My Clone ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now