Hidden Enemy

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Theresa Pov

My "Master" gave me, my "Partner", and "Clones" the rundown of the Plan. However, he decide to help Senator Organa with the Refugees. Leaving us in the Hands of Master Kenobi and Skywalker, something they don't mind with. So here we are in the south tower with a Squad of Master Kenobi and my Master Forces.

Obi-Wan: Anakin, how are you doing over there?

Anakin (coms): Were all set, I have some guys... and Girls Anxious to get going.

Obi-wan: Well tell them that the show about to begin.

Anakin (coms): Got it.

He goes back to looking through his Binoculars.

Obi-wan: You seem trouble Padawan.

Theresa: Sorry Master it's just that...

Obi-wan: Wondering about your New Master?

Theresa:... Yes Master Kenobi.

Obi-wan: Well some advice, don't be quick to jugde on what's surface, beneath that are traits you can adore.

Theresa: Like what?

Obi-wan: You have find that out for yourself.

I thought about and rolled my eyes about it.

???: We're all set General.

Master Kenobi and I turned around to see Cody and Anya.

Obi-wan: Good cause the Shows about to begin.

Cody goes check with his men as Anya walks up to me.

Anya: So...

Theresa: I don't remember giving you permission to talk to me.

Anya: I know... but General Rose DID order me to make sure your okay.

Theresa: I'm Fine, Thank You Very Much.

Anya Pov

She sends me a glare and brought her Binoculars back up. I just sigh and went to go check on 1 of the Sniper teams in the smaller rooms.

FCT: Why did (Y/n) get her as a Padawan? She rude and disrespectful.

Anya: Don't know Deadeye.

Tia: That or she a stick so far up her A-

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Tia: That or she a stick so far up her A-

Anya: TIA!!!

Tia: What? Just saying.

Anya: *sigh* You guys set?

Tia+Deadeye: Yeah.

I simply nod and go check on the 2nd team. The 2 were looking through thier scopes looking at the incoming Droids.

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