Mountains Path

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Dahri Pov

Letting the Girls jump out the Gunship being lead by my Master. I quickly follow them and made our way through the Jungles. We get to a Clearing and the Massive mountain with the Monastery on top came into view.

Form that position I see alot of red Bolts coming form there. I activate my Lightsaber and deflect by a couple of bolts. The droids have the Advantage with thier position but we have our own. 3 ATTE's emerge form the Jungles and start to return fire with thier main guns.

Anakin: FOLLOW ME!

I quickly see Master Skywalker run to the base of the cliff. I quickly joined them, being the 3rd as my Master was 2nd and Ahsoka 4th. The Clones join us afterwards as the enemy continues to fire at us.

Ahsoka: So this is where the fun begins.

(Y/n): First to the top, wins.

Anakin: Your on.

Katie: We'll give you a head start.

Anakin: Your Mistake.

Anakin, Ahsoka, and Torrent Company broke cover. Anakin and Ahsoka started to climb the Vines with Rex and the men using Acension Cables. They were quickly followed by our Walker followed closely by Torrent's walkers.

Dahri: Master?

He looks at the Girls as he nods at them. They broke cover and utilize thier jet packs leaving us 2. However, we weren't waiting for long as my Master disappeared into the cloud of Roses Petals.

(Y/n) Pov

I grab Dahri and we flew through the Air, passing the 501st.

Anakin: Hey! Cheater!

Was all I heard as I fly pass him, joining the Girls, switching to thier Ascension Cables. I set Dahri on an Vine as I also grab another vine. I activate my Lightsaber, deflecting several bolts coming my way.

(Y/n): Don't look down! Keep climbing!

Engle: Easier said than done!

Looking to my right was Engle and on my left Charlotte. Both kept climbing as I deflect any bolts heading my way.

Charlotte: Spiders Droids!

Looking further up the cliff side, I spotted several Spiders walking down. I count 4 Spiders droids at about 400 meters or more. The droids were Parallel to us and are going to be a problem. They have powerful Laser Cannons, deadly against Vehicles and troops. It also doesn't help we are fight up a Mountain, leaving us very exposed.

(Y/n): Be careful with those Spiders Droids! We're exposed down here!

However my warning came to late, as evident by an Explosion being heard. Looking to where it came form, I see 1 of Torrent's ATTE take a direct hit.

Dahri Pov

I just watch 1 of the ATTE's get destroyed, as I continue to climb. On my right was Katie and some other Clone that I don't know. I looked ahead as my Master is ahead of me along with several Clones.

That was when I heard a Female Clone scream somewhere on my right. Looking at source, I see 1 of the Clones falling, probably due to thier cable getting hit.


I followed Master Lee through the temples with Bradley leading the way. As we continue, I noted that our pathway remain the same, 1 side Black and the other white. We continue until we notice Bradley point our spotlight at us.

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