Battle Of Tatooine

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Before we Begin, I going to get these nagging feeling out the way, for the Chapter:

YES MEMBERS OF YOUR HAREM WILL DIE BUT THOSE THAT BEEN INTRODUCE WILL HAVE PLOT ARMOR. ANYONE ELSE, EITHER SIDE, CAN LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO BE INTRODUCED OR DIED. Also this is why I'm asking for OC's, Wattpad only allows 20 Pic per Chapter and there is a FRICK load of girls in your Harem.

2nd Thing...


Nava Pov

As I looked at the Holographic Display of the Republic Base. With me were was my 2nd in command, Natalya and Akira.

 With me were was my 2nd in command, Natalya and Akira

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Natalya: So Plan of Attack?

Nava: We first need to disable thier ability to respond and put up a Fight. I want troopers deployed to take thier Motor Pool and Airfield. Send droids to take the Barracks, Armory, and Command Center. Have a Squad go with droids attacking the Armory so we can... "borrow" thier weapons.

Natalya: Alright... what's the back up plan?

Nava:... I'll have a 2nd wave of Droids supported by Homing Spider on stand by. They will be on stand by until if any of the Droids failed.

Natalya: Yeah...

Nava: Good. Akira keep the shields down until our Troopers are on the ground. The raise them.

Akira: Yes Ma'am.

3rd Pov

After the Funeral, everyone dispersed to thier rooms calling it a night except a few. Those that didn't were given Night watch were order to go to sleep with thier armor on. Unknown to thier commanding Officer, the Girls, when sleeping, will share dreams.


The Dark Endless Void was where we stood.

???: Do you know why~ you were created?

Anya: Huh?

???: Do you know why~ you were created?

Anya: To Fight the Confederacy of Independent Systems

April: Defending the Republic form the Droid Army.

Lara: Die for a Government we know nothing about.

Dimitra: Yet we will die for each other, Lara.

???: Yes but Why were you created?

Zara: We... were create for the Reason mention, that is all. Although... some of us wonder why this Gentic Mutation Happened.

X2: Was it a Mistake?

???: Yet the one that leads you, see more than you think of yourself

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