A Preview of the AO3 verision

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- I know I said I'm moving Fic posting to AO3 but I just can't resist getting some thoughts on the most recent release Chapter

Holding my head as the shockwave of the bombs continue to ring in my ears and my blurred sight slowly returns to me. "You alright," came an echoing Male voice, as I feel someone placing their hand on me. "X, you alright," came the voice again. 

As my vision returns to me, Joaquin was kneeling by me looking concerned as his silver eyes examine me for any wounds. With further examination, his clean armor Robes wasn't all that clean now as it was cover in ash and sand dust. "X2, you alright," he yelled at me again as reality slowly came back to me.

"Y-... yeah," I finally said as I'm rubbing my head with my hand.

"Alright. Come on, we have Droids inbound," Joaquin said pass me a DC-15A while tossing a DC-15C over to someone, and turning to face the hanger entrance. "50 plus droids, by the Entrance," he yelled as he ignites a sapphire blade.

Looking to the direction of the hanger bay, I'm met by my 1st actual B1 firing red bolts at us. Instinctively I put my helmet on and shoulder my 15A, went to a kneeling position, and took aim at the droids. Ensuring the sights were on target, I breath in and out then pull the trigger, letting fly a blue plasma bolt.

I didn't have time to celebrate getting my 1st kill as someone grabs me from behind pushing me to some crates as a bolt flies passes where I was. Realizing it was Himeko who threw me before rejoining the firefight with her Modified Z-4 Rotary Cannon. We were soon join by Minna who was holding a DC-15S with it’s stock extend.

Getting into a kneeling position behind the crates, I took aim at the Battle Droids entering the hanger bay. "Take out these Droids so our Pilots can take off," I heard our Commander ordered. Glancing over to where he was, he was further ahead to our right with Kiana and Opha.

He was deflecting the Red Bolts off his Sapphire blade, redirecting a few back at a few droids before a sister went "gah" that caught my attention. Looking over, 1 of our sister got hit by bolt as she tried to run for another piece of cover. She laid there motionless as her presence wasn't felt in our family connection anymore. 

"Hey, get your head back in the fight! You can Mourn later," Himeko yelled at me while smacking my head lightly.

Switching my focus to another group of B1 and firing at them taking out some more. The rest were taken out by my sister or by the Commander redirecting their Bolts back at them. Soon the hanger bay was cleared of droids but the damages of the attack persist. 

"Pilots, take off," the Commander order as he deactivates his blade and motion his hand into a circle, "Everyone else on me." Several of our Pilots passed their weapons to the actually ground elements and ran over to their fighters. However, Minna didn't as she joins us running over to the Commander.

"... So First Blood," I began turning to Minna, who looks at me with deadpan look.

"Save it, X," she said cutting me off.

'We just secure the Hanger,' Opha voice through, 'Our fighters are getting Airborne. What the situation with you Girl's?'

'I'm at the Bricks with X1. We got Clankers advancing on us, nothing we can't handle,' came an embattled Dimitra.

'We secured the CC, we're on our way Mitra,' Anya informed us. 

'We need Reinforcements over here! We got droids advancing on the Ion Control,' came a panic voice.

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