A Battle Won, Many To Come

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Theresa Pov

Mia: I have a bad feeling about this.

Diva: Same.

Theresa: What do you mean?

Mia: I mean were just sitting here, doing nothing, waiting for the Clankers. Does Dahri have a Plan or even a Strategy at holding back the Clankers?

Bailey: Don't know, we can't find her? *annoyed sigh* I am not even sure if Jedi *grunt* should be in Command.

Pushing the last of the debri in postion, we step back examiming the makeshift Barricade before sitting down. Dahri is no where to be seen so everyone work on setting up basic defense. Although, I can feel the Girls aren't to confident about this fight.

Theresa: She's probably somewhere coming with a plan.

Bailey: Eitherway the plan is probably going to be no where as good as the General's.

Kim: Hey don't forget General Skywalker. His constantly gets us a victory after victory.

Diva: I'm not to sure about General Skywalker. *takes off Helmet* His plans are good and all but what's his overall Strategy? Brute Force and Ignorance?

Bailey: No rather~ Improvised Brute Force.

Everyone couldn't help but chuckle at that.

Theresa: Isn't my Master's Strategy like that also?

Diva: No, rather his Manuver and Fire. Which is why I am rather scaried cause the Commander isn't as verse with such tactics.

Theresa: *nods* And what is Manuver and Fire?

The 4 Clones I was with look at me with surprised looked at me.

Diva:... *sighs* This is why Jedi shouldn't be in Command.

Theresa: Well~ Sorry~. We haven't had a "War" in the last 1000 years. So the Jedi now aren't as Master Strategist as the Master and knight of the Past.

Bailey: Meh but in basic terms, think as our little talk here. Your the base in which you're talking to us, you're basically pinning us down. Someone can come up behind us and surprise or something.

???: Like this!!!

It happen fast, one minute we having a conversation, next Bailey in back arm Choke hold.


I watch as Bailey breaks free and 2 get into a tussle. Mia and Diva quickly got out the way and joined me.

Theresa: Um...

Diva: It's normal, it just something we like to do when we're bored.

I nod as we watch the Match go on for abit.

Diva: So wait... what exactly has the Jedi been doing the last 1000 Years?

I was about to answer but Mia beat me to it.

Mia: Police Work.

Theresa: *surprise* How-

Mia: I learn form 1 of my instructor that learn History is the best way to improve. By the way, your Ancestors achievements are very impressive along with thier Abilities.

Theresa: Thank You.

Diva: Like what kind of Abilities?

Theresa: Like alot abilities, like Battle Meditation.

Diva nods before looks at me confused.

Diva: And that is?

I couldn't help but chuckle for abit.

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