Setting the Seeds

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(Y/n) Pov

???: Why, Hello There.

(Y/n): I take your the one behind this?

Torguta: Nah it's in front of us.

???: *sighs* Prepare to die Jedi.

(Y/n): I don't think so.

I get into the opening stance of Djem so.

???: Djem So, Form 5. *laughs* Let's see how long you will last.

(Y/n): I see your no fool.

???: Yes I am, I been trained in your "Jedi" Arts, by Count Dooku. *Ignites 2 lightsabers a Blue and Green*

Chiss: I thought it was by Grace.

(Y/n): Grace?

I couldn't finish as the Blonde lunge at him with 2 blades. I rolled out the way in time but quickly parry a blow form the Torguta. I countered with a High knee, hitting her face make stumb back.

It was quickly followed by dogde the Chiss thrust at my face. She followed up by utilizing the other side of the Staff to strike. I quickly blocked it but she used momentum of her strike to parry. I quickly spun around, giving her a kick to the face as I block a Blue lightsaber.

I quickly duck as the blue tried to slice me in half. I tried to kick her in the leg but that result in me hurting myself. She laughs as I find out as I grunt in pain she attempts to grab me by the throat.

Nava Pov

I reach for the Jedi Slime throat but was surprise to see a cloud of Flower petals. I was surprise at this sudden turn of events, never have I seen a Jedi do suck an act. I scan to my front trying to find him until I heard blades clash behind me.

I turn to see him, full materialize with his purple blade barely touching my neck. It was being stop by Yuna Staff, recover form her early attempt. I reeled around aim, using my 2nd right arm to punch him. However I was met again by a gush rose, but it move slightly to side but hand was still cover in Rose.

He materializes again but is holding my hand. Throws a punch at my face as I catch it with my 3rd Arm. He then disappeared again into Cloud of Petals leaving me confused at this.

Yuna: I never seen a Jedi Ability like that.

Nava: Agreed.

I heard a lightsaber turn on behind me and I quickly turned. I blocked a Purple blade with my Green and Blue. Anna came up and swung her electro staff at him only for him to dodge it.

Yuna tried to attack in the opening only to hit the cloud of flower petals. However I notice that it leaves a trail of Red Petals where ever he goes.

(Y/n) Pov

I used my unique ability to get behind the one I presume was the General. I materialize and lunge at her only for it to miss. I saw one of her arms came around and grab me by the throat. It puts me in a Choke hold on the wall of the ship as I attempt take it off.

(Vision )

I see her looking at me in but it was something different. She looked at me with a smile and notice she only wearing Lingerie. She giggles before closing her eyes and brings her face in for a kiss.

(Vision ends)

That kiss was replaced by a fist impacting my face. She then flip me onto the ground and attempt to step on me with her foot. I roll out the way, activating my Blade to block an electro staff form the Chiss.

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