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Star Wars
My Clone Army
The Clone Wars rage across the Galaxy. The Clone Facilities of the planet Kamino have produce a Clone Army for the Republic. An Army of 1 Man they say until an accident happen.

This Accident was a Mutation of a future Clone Corp all Female except 1. Due to a conflicted choice among the Kaminoans to continue with this or destroy them. However there was one that stop thier destruction, the very man that was chosen as the Template.

After Closer examination, the Clones weren't that different then thier brothers other than thier armor. They were sent to Tatooine to train with there new Jedi General and Commander. Unknown to them this is a meeting of fate for a young Rose.


3rd Pov, Planet of Tatooine

The sandy planet 10 years ago was the home planet of Anakin Skywalker. 10 Years later is the base of the 69th Legion, an almost full Female Clone Legion. They are lead by Jedi Knight Samantha Marek, Former Padawan of Mace Windu.

She took command of the 69th Clone Legion, a All Female Clone Legion. Orginal Plans was for it to be an Corp but the General Request it to be a legion. This in due part to allow training of the Clones before distributed into the other Legions. Some of the Training was for Melee Combat, Piloting, and other Necessities. The Plan was use the initial Legion to help train the Other Clones in the Corp.

We join a Female Clone, X2 is on the range with her battle Sister, Zara. They are being supervised by Anya, and X1, X2 Twin brother.

X2 Pov

I raise my Rifle at the Target before pulling the trigger on my DC-15S. I hit the first 5 target at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 in quick session. However I took aim at the farthest target at 120 meters.

???: Don't Miss~

The voice broke my concentration making me miss my target. I quickly followed it up with a 6 shot hit the target. However I heard someone laughing at this.

X2: Damit Zara.

She continues to laugh as I heard a male voice come over head.

X1: Nice shot Sis, an expert as always.

Zara: Still not as good as me.

X2: Cause I wasn't trained as a Commando Zar.

Zara: Aw don't be jealous, I mean you can still be an Arc trooper... but your still no where as good as a Commando.

Anya: *clicks tongue* What did I say about arguing? Even if 1 of you are Commando or a Rank and file, we still have to watch over each other. We are sisters and brothers after all.

X1: That you are but unlike us, you girls don't have a continuous supply chain of recruits. Even with an entire Corp ready, how long will it take to deplete?

???: Which is why I want this unit to be Elite, to prove to the Kaminoans that you derserve thier support.

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