Monastery Brawl

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(Y/n) Pov

Engle: General, enemy Drop Ships Inbound!

(Y/n): Karabast! I got to go! Protect the Hutt, Ani!

Turning off my Holoprojector, I looked up towards the sky. Spotting 2 CC9979 Dropships along with several Vulture and Z-95 MKII.

Activating my lightsaber, I deflect several bolts coming towards the ship

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Activating my lightsaber, I deflect several bolts coming towards the ship. As Ren pops out the Starfighter, just as it is hit by laser bolt, before exploding us flying. Landing on my stomach, everything felt fuzz and myself felt weak.

Athena: Ah!

Katie: Karabast! Athena's walker is down!

Gathering enough strength to push myself onto my back, the half destroyed ATTE came into view. The front portion of it was damage but the compartment behind them wasn't. Though looking at the wreckage, the crew were dead as it felt like an empty husk.

1???: Move it! Get those spiders deployed!

2???: Gunners, set up at the left wall and get fire on those Dogs!

3???: General? General!

Looking to the voice, Myra was kneeling next to me as she was shaking me. Being shaken by her, reality came back to me.

Myra: General! You good!?!

(Y/n): Y- yeah!

Shaking the trance out my head getting onto my feet, I quickly rush to help Ren up. As he got back on his feet, he thanks me and immediately starts rolling for the door.

Katie: Clankers at the Gate!

Grace Pov

I watch as the 1 of the Republic Walkers goes up in flames. It was followed by the sound of the CC9979 dropship landing. The droids along with my troops disembark the transport. I start to walk towards the fighting but was stop by Ventress placing her hand on my shoulder.

Ventress: Don't even think about it.

Roxy: Yo Grace.

Looking over at Roxy, she toss me an A280.

Looking over at Roxy, she toss me an A280

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