Friends, Rivals, Family

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(Y/n) Pov

As I exit the Medbay and head to the Hanger in I couldn't help but keep looking at my new arm. It felt like was there but isn't as I move it around.

(Y/n) Thoughts: So is this how Anakin felt with his arm?

I keep walking before I ran into X1 heading down the Halls.

X1: Oh Sir, your already up?

(Y/n): Yeah... So what happen after we escape the ship?

X1: Well we were escorting the Gunship planetside when Commodore Tarkin arrive. Although...

(Y/n): What?

X1: When we escape, Enemy Shuttle exited the Cruiser. I wanted to take them out but Anya order me not to.

(Y/n): How many squadron were escorting the Gunships?

X1: 3 Sir.

I sigh and pinch the brigde of my nose.

(Y/n): I know that Anya should had order a least a Squadron to take them out. Missed opportunity or Inexperience, either way can be place on the fact this is her first battle. No one is ready for the first battle with the Chaos it brings.

X1: Yet this was your first Battle also Sir.

(Y/n): I know, if I was in Anya place, I would had done same thing.

X1: Why Sir?


Samantha: Pro-t-tec-t T-h-em...

(Flashback Ends)

(Y/n): Let just say when I make a Promise, I mean it.

X1:... Alright, Sir.

(Y/n): So how have you been?

X1: I'm good, Sir. Hows your Arm?

(Y/n): It feels... wierd. Like it's not really there but is. *sigh* I guess this how Anakin feels with his arm. *rubs it* I got to go, the Chancellor requested my Presence.

X1: *surprised* Really?

(Y/n): Yeah... you know him?

X1: Yes Sir, he award me the Chancellor's Service Medal. I lead a Group of Clones in attack on 3 Techno Union Ships. Mace Windu reccomend me for the Award also.

(Y/n): Wow... It is an honor to have a brave Warrior with me. Especially 1 that was praise by my Master Samantha's Master.

X1: Thank You Sir, I best let you get underway.

I nod and head down the ramp form the Pelta. I saw alot of the girls attending to the wounded, resting or maintaining thier equipment. I head to the Hanger but was stop by 2 Pilots who I nearly ran into.

Pilot: Oh Sorry Sir. Didn't see you, Sir.

(Y/n): It's Alright trooper. So how are you guys handling after the fight.

Pilot 2: We are good sir.

Pilot: We're good Sir, and Thank you.

(Y/n): For What?

Pilot: Sir, it's me, Sword 5 form the Space Battle.

(Y/n): Oh... Your Welcome Sword 5.

Sword 5: Sorry Sir, I panicked. Oh the name is Emma, FCT-332. This is my Wing Man, Abigail, FCT-8228.

(Emma left, Abigail right)

(Emma left, Abigail right)

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