Chapter 23

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It had been hours since I left the movie and the boys still weren't back. I was really worried. My two cousins and I all sat in the living room and waited. Soda had fallen asleep, Darry was reading the newspaper, and I was sketching. I looked over at the clock. 1:59am. We couldn't even call the cops because they'd throw Soda, and Ponyboy in a boy's home and myself in a girl's home. The door swung open and Ponyboy shyly walked in. Darry stood up already ranting and raving about how Ponyboy was late and he couldn't call the cops and us being thrown in a boys home. Sodapop tried to intervene but Darry turned on him. Then Pony butted in on that and Darry lost it. He shoved Ponyboy down and me and Soda stood there silently as Darry tried to apologize. Pony got up, and ran straight out the door. We were all stunned. They stood there puzzled as I ran out the door after him. I used to do track so I'm pretty fast. Soon, Ponyboy flopped down on someone, obviously walking them up and then ran off with them. It was Johnny. I was still mad at him for ditching me but pony was more important at the moment. They finally stopped at the park. Johnny was handing Ponyboy a cigarette just as I made it to them.

Pony and I locked eyes before he looked away angrily. "Ponyboy, look. You really n-"

"Don't!" Ponyboy said harshly. "Come on Johnny."

"No!" Johnny said. "Not until one of you tells me what the hell is going on!" Ponyboy explained. I argued. He argued back. It was anarchy.

"Enough!" I finally yelled. "Pony you've gonna come home. I'm sorry I didn't say anything but Darry even flipped out on Soda! I didn't know what to say! Please Ponyboy."

"Let's walk to the park and back," Pony said calming down. "Maybe I'll be cooled off enough to go home." Johnny nodded.

"I'm going back. It's fricken freezing. See you at home?" I asked. Pony nodded and I kissed his cheek then headed home.

"Clove, wait!" Johnny called.

"What Johnny," I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry about earlier. They asked and-"

"And you could have said no." I interrupted before turning around and walking home.

I got home and nobody was sleeping. Darry stood up straight away. "Where's Ponyboy?" He asked nervously cracking his knuckles.

"Taking a walk with Johnny. Said he'd be back shortly." I retorted and sat next to Soda. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. We both sighed and closed our eyes.

"Guys?" Darry asked.


"I'm sorry I lost my temper at y'all," Dar said.

"It's okay Dar, we all make mistakes," I said.


8:00 am.
I woke to the sound of nothing. Nobody was laughing, joking, watching Mickey, or talking at all. Everyone was just sitting, like they were waiting for something. All of a sudden, Darry dropped his newspaper right onto the floor and gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked picking it up. "Wholly crap, Ponyboy and Johnny are wanted. For m-murder."

"What?!" Soda said jumping up from the couch. "Did they not come home last night?" We looked at Darry who just shook his head. I started to think where they might be. It's not like they knew any good hideouts! But we all knew someone who did. Just then, the very devil himself, Dallas Winston walked in as happy as hell.

I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him to the wall. I looked up into his eyes and began my threat. "YOU TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL-"

"Woah, woah, woah, where who are?" He rudely interrupted.

"Johnny, and Ponyboy." I said through gritted teeth.

"I don't know where they are, last time I checked I'm not a babysitter." The bastard said.

"LAIR!" I said and slapped him across the face leaving a red mark. Two-bit pulled me away and Steve held Dally back. Great. My baby cousin and my boyfriend are both wanted for murder. This was crazy! Pony said he was going for a walk, and then killed someone?? I don't think so. And Dallas, he knows where they were. I'm sure of it.

"Alright," Dally said after a minute. "They said something about heading for Texas."

Two-bit snapped his head up, "We're going to Texas then! We've gotta find 'em!!"

"No. I told them I wouldn't send no search party." Dally said in a matter-of-fact tone. "We're staying here."

I stood up and stormed outside, slamming the door behind me. "I swear to god, wherever that son of a bitch goes, I'm following him. I'm gonna find my boys." I muttered to myself. I sat outside and waited until I saw Dally leave later that night. I stood up and followed him ever so slowly being careful not to get caught. When he finally got to Buck's place, I stopped and waited. I watched him and Buck talk about something, I moved closer so I could hear.

"Alright Dal. In two days, the car will be all gassed up and waiting for you here. Tell them boys I said good luck." I knew it. Dally that bastard. I crept out of sight and then sprinted home. At least now I know when to follow Dallas, I thought to myself. I walked inside. The gang was gone now, both Sodapop and Darry were miserable.

I walked into Soda and Pony's room and sat down on the bed next to Soda. "Where were you?" He asked.

"Following Dallas. I'm gonna bring those boys home."
The next few days went by ever so slowly. It consisted of a lot of crying, anger, and even fighting with each other. We all missed the boys. Even Steve missed Ponyboy, but he said if I ever told him that, he'd kill me. I slept through most of the days but I do remember the fuzz taking Dallas in for questioning, but he was released. The morning I knew Dally was getting Buck's car, I packed a small bag for Ponyboy and Johnny. Then set out for Buck's. Soda knew where I was going so I didn't have to explain which was good. I arrived at Buck's just as Dally did. He went in and I heard him asking for the keys so I made my move and crawled into the trunk. [A/N I have no clue of this type of car actually has a trunk but if it doesn't don't kill me] I heard Dally start up the car and it sped down the road in a matter of minutes. It was time to get my boys back.

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