Chapter 27

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(Still Ponyboy's pov)

I woke up late the next morning. It was 12:37. I stood up and stretched and then showered. Everyone was up by the time I got out and got dressed. "So," Two-bit said. "I guess we just wait now?" We all knew what he meant. Sometime this afternoon the hospital is gonna call and tell us weather or not Johnny is gonna make it.

"I guess," Darry said and we all sat in the living room in silence. It was about 1:45 when the phone finally rang. Darry grabbed it on the first ring, "Hello??...yes this is he.....yes I know....okay....alright thank you so much. You have no idea how great you've been. Bye."

"Well?" Dallas asked leaning in the doorway.

"He's-he's gonna live." We all stood up hollering. Everyone was hugging everyone. Steve even hugged me. Steve. Hugged. Me. Ew. I didn't care though. My best friend was gonna make it.

"Did they say how long till he's out?" Steve and Soda asked at almost the exact same time.

"If he can sit up and eat by tomorrow then 3-5 days but he will be on crutches for at least a week." Darry said.

"And um, any news on Clove?" Soda asked.

"She's still not waking up." Darry said looking at the floor.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go see Johnny!!" Two-bit cheered.

"Only two are allowed in at a time so some are gonna have to wait." Darry said.

"That's okay, let's go!" Steve said running to the truck. Everyone hopped in and since Soda was driving, we were there in less than 10 minutes. We walked in and everyone visited Liv while Two-bit and I visited Johnny.

"Hey guys!" Johnny said when we walked in. I was glad to see that he was adjusted and instead of laying flat on his back he was actually sitting up. I sat on a chair next to his hospital bed.

"Nice hair," I said laughing at the haircut is given him.

"Shut up," he said failing to hold back his smile. "So how is she?" He asked.

"Still not awake." Two-bit said sitting down next to me.

"Oh," he said. "I'm gonna get out in a few days. My burns aren't even that bad anymore. Doctors said they will leave scars but with the proper medical treatment they won't be that noticeable."

"That's good!" I said happily trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah." Johnny said. We continued to talk for another hour or so before Two-bit left and Steve came in. That's basically how the whole day went. I just couldn't believe that he was gonna be okay.

-----------4 days later-------------

"Okay so put these on Johnny, I'll get your crutches from the doctor and then you can check out." Two-bit said. "Oh and Ponyboy, wait here."

I nodded and stayed put. Johnny changed and Two-bit came back with his crutches. "I'm gonna see Clove, then I'll go home. Go ahead, I'll walk. I gotta go in to the police station too. Talk about the trial."

"Johnny, Darry said he talked to the cops and you don't have to go in. He payed a bail fine or something but you're all set. Meet you at the Curtis's." Two-bit said. Then we left.

****JOHNNY's POV****

I asked the nurse at the front desk for her room then I practically ran down the hall to get there. She looked dead. I sat down on the side of the bed and held her hand. "Hey beautiful," I said with tears welling in my eyes. "I'm all better now, so it's your turn to recover. But I want you to know that you're my everything. I love you so much and nothing can change that." By now I was crying but I didn't even care. I just kept on talking. "Please wake up. I can't live without you. I'm not giving up on you but if you want to go that's okay. I promise you that I will be okay and that the boys will be okay too. If you want to wake up, if you want to stay, that's even better. I love you so much Olivia Anne Curtis, and nothing will ever change that. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe. I'm so sorry." I rested my forehead against her hand. I looked at her again and remembered the day we met, also known as day I fell in love with her. I knew there was nothing I could do to help her. Either she lives or she dies, and I have no say in any of it. I stood up and kissed her forehead. "I love you so much." I said and started to walk out.

Before I reached the door I thought I heard her move but I turned around and saw her laying as still as she had been the whole time. She was on life support so I figured it was just the machine and kept on was over. Her life was over. I turned around and looked at my girlfriend one last time.

Then...Clearly, I heard her voice say, "Johnny wait..."

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