Chapter 26

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****PONYBOY's POV****

We were all ready standing in the pouring rain waiting for someone to throw the first punch. "You all know a rumble ain't a rumble without me!" A familiar voice called out. I turned my head to see Dally for a split second and then got clocked. In an instant everyone was throwing punches, hollering, and whatnot. It was intense. Darry took on the big ones and I mostly grabbed hold of the small ones. Before I knew it, the socs were running, getting in their cars and driving away. We threw the last few punches and they were gone. The Greasers won the rumble. We all rushed off to the hospital together to tell the news.

Everyone limped into Johnny's room. "Hey Johnny!" Dally cheered. Johnny stayed completely still and explained how useless it all was. The rumble that is.

After a moment he sighed and muttered my name. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold-" the heart monitor made a huge long beep.

"No! No! No!" I wept. "Get a doctor! Someone help him!" I was screaming.

"Come on Johnny don't die!" Dally was pleading. "Don't die Johnny! Not now!"

Soda ran out screaming, "Help! Someone help! Please!" He cried.

Darry grabbed Johnny's hand. Even he was bawling by now. "Johnny please!" He pleaded. "Think of Clove. She needs you. We all need you. Johnny I know you're in there. And if you can hear me, come back. Please."

Doctors rushed in the room with paddles. One nurse kneeled down next to him and started talking. "Johnny, we will do all we can to get you back, but this is your decision. We need your help. You can do this." She said.

"CLEAR!" The doctors yelled and struck his chest with the paddles as we were being pushed out of the room.

Dallas started to storm out but Darry grabbed his arm. "He still has a chance. Don't go get." Darry said. Dallas eyed him for a second and then did as he was told.

After a few minutes the nurse who'd been talking to him came out. We all looked at her desperately. "Gentlemen, I'm pleased to tell you that we were able to restart his heart. And that by tomorrow afternoon, we should be able to predict the outcome of his recovery." I lunged forward and just hugged the nurse as the gang cheered. The nurse laughed and hugged me back. "Your friend is a tough boy. I think he'll make it. And when he does, don't ever let him let that girl go. She's the reason he came back."

"Thank you," I whispered crying tears of joy. "Thank you."


After that miracle, we weren't allowed to go back in to see Johnny. But I'd guessed that would happen anyways. It was strange, I'd never seen Dallas cry, until today. Looks like that big old doofus does have a heart after all. Before we went in to Livey's room, Darry turned around. "Don't mention Johnny. We don't need another near death experience." We all nodded and walked in.

****DALLY's POV****
It was crazy to come so close to loosing someone that's so important to you. I thought about it and realized that if Livey didn't sneak into the trunk of Buck's T-bird Johnny might not be here. I had to thank her but, you can be damn sure I wasn't saying nothing in front of these boneheads. "Hey-uh you guys think I can have a minute with her? Alone?" I asked. Everyone eyed me suspiciously. "I just wanna talk to her! Didn't y'all tell her you were bringing her stuff anyways?"

Darry nodded. "Yeah, we will run back and get it. Dallas I swear to god you better-"

"Yeah! I know!" I cut him off. Then they all cleared out. I grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to her bed. I took a deep breath and thought of how I'd start. "Okay look kid, you gotta get better. Johnny needs you here. I'm not supposed to tell you this but he almost died tonight. He didn't though, because the nurses reminded him of you. And to be honest, I don't know what I'd do without ya wiseass! You're not too bad, but don't tell anyone I said that or I'll skin ya! We all love you Clove. So just keep fighting." I stood up and kissed her forehead and then put the chair back. 10 minutes later, the boys walked in. Pony was holding a fuzzy blanket that she sleeps with, Darry carried a big pillow, and Two-bit Soda and Steve ran in with their arms full of stuffed animals. I chuckled and helped them set Clove's things up. Then we all sat down and talked. We told her about winning the rumble and how Steve's ribs were cracked and just that we all looked like bloody thugs from the street. Everyone was nervous, I could tell. But we all sounded happy, which was what mattered.

****PONYBOY's POV****
"Alright boys," a nurse said. "We've been generous but visiting hours were over 4 hours ago. You should probably get going. I promise she's in good hands." Everyone nodded and stood up. We all kissed Clove on the cheek or the forehead and walked out.

"Y'all can crash at our place tonight." Darry said.

"Thanks Dar," Two-bit said and slapped him on the back. We drove home quietly with just the sound of the radio playing. We all walked into the house and said goodnight, then settled into bed.

"Soda?" I asked glancing over.

"Yeah Pony?"

"You think they'll make it?"

Soda sighed, "Well, I sure hope so."

I nodded and rolled over trying to go to sleep. All I could think of was what Johnny said to me. "Stay gold." What was that supposed to mean? What would Dallas have done if Johnny did die and Darry wasn't there to tell him to wait another minute?

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