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Perched on the summit of the Hokage monument, Naruto sat in deep contemplation, his gaze fixed upon the sprawling village below. His mind was troubled with the weight of the memory of the demon fox, Kyūbi, being sealed inside him. The enormity of the responsibility he bore was evident on his face as he pondered the implications of this fateful event.

As he stared at the statue of the Fourth Hokage, the man's face contorted with sadness. "I guess that is why the villagers hated me," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes were fixed on the ground, and his shoulders slumped as if carrying a weight too heavy to bear. After a deep sigh, he stood up, his gaze still fixed on the stone visage at his feet.

Naruto's thoughts were a swirling vortex of despair as he considered his bleak situation. His downcast expression was a reflection of the deep pain he was feeling. The thought of ending his life crossed his mind, and he couldn't help but dwell on it. His heart was heavy with the realization that he was hated by the village he had always called home. As he pondered his options, his frown deepened, and his mind was clouded with a sense of hopelessness.

In a sudden turn of events, Naruto's countenance underwent a significant transformation. His face lit up with a wide grin, and he bellowed out at the top of his lungs, "I am unfazed by your feelings towards me, whether it be hatred or love. I am Naruto Uzumaki, the shinobi who will surpass all the Hokages who have come before me. Remember my words, for they shall ring true."

Naruto's heart was racing with anticipation as he made a daring leap from the towering monument and sprinted towards his home. The thrill of becoming a full-fledged ninja coursed through his veins, filling him with a sense of purpose and excitement. He could already envision all the exhilarating missions he would embark on, and he couldn't wait to prove himself as a skilled and courageous warrior.

As Naruto was feeling hungry, he quickly cooked himself some instant noodles and devoured them. Feeling satisfied, he fell asleep, and soon his dreams took him to a place where he had accomplished great things.

In his dream, he stood before the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who declared him to be the Godaime Hokage of Konohagakure. Naruto's face lit up with pride as Hiruzen placed the Hokage hat on his head.

Hiruzen spoke with admiration, "Naruto managed to become the strongest shinobi of Konoha just one day after becoming a genin, surpassing all the previous Hokages, including me and the Yondaime. And today, I am very proud to announce your new Hokage... Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto's heart swelled with joy as he realized that his dream of becoming the Hokage had finally come true.

Naruto was lost in a vivid dream, where he was the hero who rescued his friends from danger. The exhilaration of the dream was short-lived, as he suddenly woke up gasping for air, his body drenched in sweat. He was disoriented, and it took him a moment to realize that it was just a dream, and his reality was far less thrilling.

Despite the disappointment, Naruto got up and went through his morning rituals. He dressed up in his familiar orange jumpsuit and set out to the Hokage's office. When he got there, he found the Third Hokage, Hiruzen, buried under piles of paperwork. He looked up from his work, acknowledging Naruto's presence with a smile.

"Jiji..." Naruto called out to him, and Hiruzen looked up and smiled at his young protege.

"Hello, Naruto-chan... I see that you came here pretty early today," Hiruzen said kindly.

Naruto beamed with pride and flexed his hitai-ate. "Yeah... I am a shinobi... Iruka-sensei made me one yesterday."

Hiruzen looked at Naruto with a mixture of pride and concern. "My my, you must've worked hard to get this hitai-ate," he said, trying to mask his worry.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "You can say that," he replied.

Hiruzen's thoughts turned inward. "Naruto doesn't seem much affected by the revelations... That's good," he thought to himself. "Only Naruto can maintain such an attitude after getting such news."

Just then, Hiruzen flared his chakra, and a masked woman appeared next to Naruto, startling him.

"Whoa, where'd you come from suddenly?" Naruto exclaimed, but the woman didn't reply.

She was a striking figure, with long, straight purple hair and warm brown eyes that shone beneath her porcelain cat mask. She wore black and grey armor, metal arm guards, and a katana strapped to her back.

Hiruzen then dropped a bombshell on Naruto: "Naruto my boy, Yūgao here will be your sensei from now on."

Naruto's eyes widened in excitement. "That's so cool... Thanks, Jiji," he said, rushing to hug the old Hokage.

Hiruzen chuckled and gently pushed Naruto away. "Respect your sensei, alright... Naruto," he admonished.

Naruto nodded eagerly, stars in his eyes. "Sure, Jiji," he said before turning to Yūgao. "Hi... I am-"

"Not now," Yūgao cut him off. "If you may, Hokage-sama... We'll take our leave now."

With that, she grabbed Naruto by the arm, and the two headed off to begin their training together.

Here's the prologue... Please don't expect much from this fanfiction btw... It's just a random plot that came to my mind...

I'll try to keep Naruto as consistent as I can while I build up a perfect Naruto, well-rounded in all ninja art... I never had a problem with OP character lol, ...

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