Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Phase I


"Alright maggots... Here's the test... Each one of you will have 10 points at the start of this test. For each wrong answer, you'll lose 2 points each, but you won't gain anything for giving the right answer." Ibiki shouted out which caused a lot of hands to rise. "The ones who raised your hands... Walk out immediately, with your teammates." Ibiki growled out which caused a few complaints but the chūnin's stationed helped shut them down.

"You are shinobi contesting to be Chūnins, you have no right to become a Chūnin if you can't keep up with someone speaking... If anyone has any complaints, you can move out immediately." Ibiki barked and looked around, "What I expected." He said as he saw no one raise a voice.

"Back to the topic, if you're found cheating once, you'll be exempted. Twice, you'll be exempted again. But if you are caught thrice, you along with your teammates will be expected to walk out respectfully." Ibiki said as he looked at the students.

"You'll be getting 9 questions now and a last question at the end of the exam." He said and everyone got their papers. "Start writing, your time starts now." Ibiki as he looked at the watch.

Naruto looked at his questions and smirked. 'They didn't change the question paper.' He sneaked into the academy the previous night and took a copy of the question papers without notice. He got that idea from Yūgao who gave him the exact location of the questions. Naruto being the prankster that he is, sneaked into the academy and copied the questions without being noticed by the Anbus.

'Anbus? I troll them for breakfast...' Naruto thought with a smirk as he quickly noted down all the answers instantly. Yūgao already helped him solve all of them and he didn't have to worry even a little. He looked around and saw everyone busy with writing their answers and yawned loudly.

"Can't you make harder questions? Or make the security tighter?" Naruto yawned as he stretched. "What do you mean by the second statement?" Ibiki questioned with a scowl. "If I tell you, will you pass me?" Naruto questioned with hope in his eyes which were scattered the moment Ibiki looked away from him, the message was clear, Ibiki had lost interest in the conversation. Naruto just pouted and looked to his right where Hinata was writing her answers with a worried look on her face.

"Hinata... Use your Bakugan to copy my answers," Naruto whispered making Hinata nod at blank space slowly. She activated her byakugan and started copying Naruto's answers, some might ask her why she copied Naruto's answer, he was not one to have correct answers. Many people might have that question in their minds but Hinata's reply will be, 'I trust him.' plain and simple, Naruto wouldn't share his answers with her if he didn't think his answers were correct so she knew she could trust him.

Naruto went to sleep for the remaining part of the exam and waited for Ibiki to announce the results. "Alright maggots, drop your pens... Time for the final question. But before I reveal the final question, if anyone wants to give up and drop the final question, you can leave now... But remember, if you choose to give up, you'll lose your opportunity to move forward." Ibiki announced.

"Of course, we'll choose to answer the final question. Why would anyone choose to give up now?" A random guy from the back said and got several agreeing nods from the students. "Firstly, if you choose to take the questions and fail, you'll never become Chūnin for the rest of your lives. Secondly, I thank you for voicing everyone's doubt, you may walk out of the room with your team." Ibiki said and his assistants escorted the guy and his team outside.

"Before any of you complain about me being unfair by saying you won't become Chūnin for the rest of your lives... Suck it up, this is life, life ain't no fairy tale. Now, if anyone wants to walk out, do it, I don't have patience." With that said, almost half the remaining students walked out of the room fearing to lose the chance to ever become chūnin.

"All of you... Passed." Ibiki growled out and watched as all hell broke loose. He decided to go lenient and finally explain what was happening.

After the explanation was done, a crazy lady came flying from the window and announced that she was in charge of the second exam and told the students to meet her in Training Ground 44 within 10 minutes and walked out.

"Naruto, Naruto, wake up." Hinata woke Naruto who was asleep. "Huh? What happened?" He questioned Hinata making her blush. "You fell asleep right after the instructor announced the rules of the last question. Remember? Anyone who fails stays Chūnin and stuff." Hinata said making Naruto nod his head. "Oh yeah, I got bored by Ibiki talking so much so I slept... Either way, I was gonna become Hokage anyways, be it Jōnin to Hokage or Genin to direct Hokage." Naruto said with so much confidence making Hinata smile.

"We passed... Let's go to training ground 44... Our next proctor is waiting for us there." Hinata said and started explaining to Naruto about the final question and how they passed.


Ibiki who was collecting the papers looked at Naruto's paper and sighed. "Oh yeah, yesterday I sneaked into this place and copied the question papers, the questions were hard, I wouldn't have solved it if you weren't so relaxed with the security... As I said, 'make the security tighter." was written at the end of Naruto's question paper.

"That brat." Ibiki thought with a chuckle.



I mean, cheating before knowing the rules is much cooler than cheating when you know you should cheat. We have to thank Yūgao-sensei for the wonderful idea of making Naruto cheat.

Did I do justice to Naruto? I don't want to make him too smart all of a sudden, so I am trying to keep his character as close to the goofiness of Cannon Naruto.

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