Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:


"I told Tsunade to send you to a high-ranked mission and she sends you to an Assassination Mission."

Naruto groaned hearing Jiraiya chuckle, his sensei can be a handful sometimes.

"So, you've started training how to work like a spy under Anko, she could teach you a thing or two."

Naruto scowled as he sparred against Jiraiya, he still couldn't get a single blow on his teacher.

"I'll surely hit you today."

"Did you go train with Anko today?"

Naruto nodded, Jiraiya suddenly vanished last week and didn't come to train him leaving him to focus his training with Anko. Anko wasn't a bad teacher by any means, he's learning a lot about spying from her, but the thrill of getting stronger comes only when he trains with Jiraiya.

"We had a session earlier."

"Alright... How long will your training last?"

"Anko is scary as hell, I don't think she'll ever let me go... she kept on rambling about how I was natural at sneaking, saying I don't need much refinement but just experience. All the while poking and cutting me with kunai."

Jiraiya beamed at that, he had a natural talent for spying, and it seems his student Naruto also had an instinct that gave him an edge on spying. He almost felt pity for Naruto when he told him about getting cut by Anko.

"Spying is my speciality, but I was always a natural at spying like you so I can't teach you the ways how to do it. You find your ways to do it... Don't try to learn a specific way to spy, rather, keep your options open... And right now, I don't even know what I am talking about. Bwah, I just can't pass on my spying skills to anyone, I tried with Minato, but that's when I learned then that even he had some limitations."

Naruto simply stared at his mentor with a plain look in his eyes.

"Stop it Ero-Sannin... Rambling makes you look weird and creepy, moreover, with all that makeup on, I don't even wanna think about it."



Tsunade smirked, sipping from her sake as she went through her paperwork.

"I am sure someone commented on Jiraiya's makeup."

She chuckled before reading the papers kept.

"Damn annoying idiotic papers, why do they even make a report for picking up and throwing cans into the dustbin?"


Naruto walked towards the Hokage tower, taking his time to enjoy the stroll. He looked around and saw several people smile at him, he started getting smiles after the Chūnin Exams were over. Instead of the scowl and glares he used to get, he got smiles and warm greetings. He concluded that it had something to do with all the people he protected during the invasion.

However, a large part of the population still glared heatedly at him. A change never comes overnight. But Naruto wasn't complaining, he was finally getting the appreciation he always wanted. It doesn't matter if they come in one or hundred, he'll appreciate everything that he is offered.

After walking for a while, Naruto reached the Hokage tower, jumped into the office, and saw Tsunade solving papers.

"Yo baa-chan... Why'd you call me for?"

Tsunade looked up from her papers as she heard Naruto and motioned for him to sit in the chair in front of her.

"Reports say you defeated the Ichibi-no-jinchuriki during the invasion..."

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