Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Chūnin Exam


Naruto ran towards his usual training spot with some extra enthusiasm to start the day's training. He wanted to know more about the Chūnin Exams that the Sand Shinobi were talking about. So, he quickly reached his training spot and saw Yūgao waiting for him like usual.

"Sensei... Good Morning." Naruto greeted and waited for a response. He wasn't disappointed as Yūgao greeted him back. "Usual, send your shadow clones to read the Fuinjutsu books I gave you," Yūgao said, and Naruto did accordingly. "Fuinjutsu is the hardest art to learn, did you learn the basics?" Yūgao questions and Naruto nods his head. Naruto showed interest in learning seals after seeing her using Statis seals so she provided him with some materials that could help him learn seals.

"Yes, I can make some storage and explosive seals within a few seconds, and right now, I am working on suppression seals," Naruto says and Yūgao nods her head, satisfied with his work. "Sensei... Do you have any idea about Gaara of the Sand?" Naruto questions and Yūgao nods her head.

"Yes... You might face him during the Chūnin Exam, he's a Jinchuriki like you." Yūgao says making Naruto's eye widen. "Remember when I told you about there being Nine Bijū?" Yūgao questions and Naruto nods his head. "Gaara is the jinchuriki of the first."

"Oh... Huh? Wait... Did you say, I'll face him in the Chūnin Exam?" Naruto questions suddenly making her smirk. "Yeah, I nominated you for the Chūnin exam..." Yūgao informs, still sporting a smirk. Naruto jumps from his place and shouts, "All right... I'll show everyone how cool I am." Yūgao sighed and said, "Now, back to training, stretch yourself. After you're done, run laps around the whole village while carrying two buckets of stones."


Naruto walked toward the Academy with a mix of excitement, eagerness, and a touch of confidence. He saw a board next to the academy entrance that said, "Chūnin Exam: Third Floor." He quickly made his way to the third floor ignoring all the people making a crowd on the second floor, 'I wonder what are they doing there?' Naruto thought and then shrugged, 'None of my concern.'

With that, Naruto reached the examination room and saw many Genins sitting in the room, most were glaring at him while some were looking at him with curiosity (It's the first time they saw a blond Shinobi with a 'kill me' outfit.)

Naruto, ignoring the looks he was getting, started looking out for anyone he knew. There were in fact, some faces he knew, namely Gaara and his team, and Hinata. Naruto smiled and quickly ran towards Hinata and greeted her.

"Hello, Hinata." Naruto smiled at her making her blush. "Hello, Naruto." Hinata greeted back. Shino and Kiba looked at the scene with a knowing smirk but held back from saying anything.

"Where's ya team Naruto?" Kiba questioned making Naruto scratch his head. "I don't have a team." He replied honestly. Shino looked at Naruto for a second before starting, "Yes Kiba, I heard rumors that Naruto didn't have a team. A one-man cell, the only one-man cell in Konoha after Yondaime-sama." (Yes, I've read the latest one-shot... But I wanted something in common between Naruto and Minato.)

"What? Isn't that sorta unfair for Naruto?" Kiba questioned while looking a little bit shocked. "Hmm..." Was Shino's short reply. "Nothing is unfair... I am just too great." Naruto boasted with a proud look. "Still an idiot I see." Ino's voice came from behind them as she walked up to them alongside Team 7.

"Don't call Naruto that." Hinata snapped at Ino shocking everyone. She quickly realized what she said covered her mouth with her hands and looked down. "Thank you, Hinata... But you didn't have to fight for me." Naruto thanked her with a smile. Hinata returned his smile with a blush.

"Whatever," Ino shrugged and turned her attention to Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun, even I'll fight for you like that." She gushed making Sakura glare at her.

"Shut up Ino-pig, Sasuke-kun is mine." Sakura snapped at Ino making everyone sigh. 'Typical fangirls.', was the thought in everyone's mind at that time.

"Will you guys keep quiet, everyone's at their edge right now... I don't think anyone will appreciate you making too loud noise." A guy with glasses said as he walked up to the group. "Hello, my name is Kabuto." Kabuto introduced to the group with a warm smile.

The group introduced themselves and talked about the exams, they also got to learn about Kabuto. Apparently, Kabuto was taking this exam for the seventh time, which raised a few comments. Finally, Kabuto showed the group a thing that interested all of them. A set of cards that have information on everyone.

"I want to know about Gaara of the Desert, Rock Lee of Konoha, and... Naruto Uzumaki," Sasuke said to Kabuto trying to test his cards out. "Oh? You know their names already, it's no fun." Kabuto said as he prepared his cards.

Naruto looked at Sasuke and sighed, "You can always ask me y'know." Sasuke didn't get a chance to reply because Kabuto was done with the cards.

"Hmm, Gaara of the desert... About 5 C-Rank missions and 2 B-Rank missions... Damn, a genin with a B-Rank mission is rare... Let's see, the card also says he completed all his missions without a scratch." Kabuto said as he read out the contents of the card.

All the genin present there adopted shocked looks as they heard Kabuto's notes and made a mental note not to provoke Gaara. "Now, Rock Lee... No skills in Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, 47 D-Rank missions, and 4 C-Rank missions. Impressive, but acceptable." Kabuto read out and Sasuke nodded his head.

"Now, let's see, Naruto Uzu-" Kabuto started just to find Naruto cut down all his cards with a sword he unsealed from one of his scrolls.

"Oh... Sorry, I knowingly used my sword to destroy all your cards... By mistake." Naruto said with a grin. 'Yūgao-sensei said never reveal my information to anyone...' with that thought in mind, Naruto smiled.

Kabuto looked at his destroyed cards with a shocked look before regaining composure. "It's fine, everyone makes mistakes once in a while," Kabuto said with a smile.

"You know that it was not a mistake right? I just didn't want you to reveal my information so I did that." Naruto said with an oblivious look making everyone chuckle. "And I almost thought that you've improved Naruto... You're still an idiot." Sasuke mocked with a smirk. 'Right into his trap.' Hinata thought, she already knew that Naruto was just acting oblivious to draw attention away from himself.

"Anyways, like I was saying, there are many strong teams in the exam this year... I'd be careful about the Sand team and some older teams... But teams like the sound teams will be fine, they are from a new village so the quality of shinobi won't be too high." All hell broke loose when Kabuto said that as he was attacked by some sound shinobi who found his remark offensive.

Long story short, a mummy used some device to make Kabuto nauseous when suddenly the instructor came in to start the exam.

"Listen here maggots, go sit in your place and start waiting for my instruction... Do not fucking speak or do anything that I don't like, and I don't fucking like anything... If I am not clear, then get the fuck out cause I am not repeating myself. Now take your seats." Ibiki shouted scaring every genin, making them pale.

"What's up with that scarred face?" Naruto questioned suddenly making Ibiki's eye twitch.


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