Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: New Mission!


After a week of mourning for the death, Konoha was finally back to its usual state, merchant opened their shops again, students went back to their school, shinibis started taking missions, and everything was back to normal.

Naruto slowly got up from his bed and took a long yawn before doing his usual morning routine. After dressing up, Naruto walked out of his house to find several gifts in front of his door.

'Huh?' He thought before picking up one gift from the pile. "Thank you for saving me and my daughter..." A gift card read. He took all the gifts inside his room and unwrapped them to find several food items and cards.

"Is that a cake?" Naruto thought as he saw a cake. He took a sniff from it, 'It's not poisoned.' He thought and took a bite from it. 'I am immune to poisons cause of the Kyūbi anyway.' He thought as he consumed the cake. He decided that he liked the taste.

After sitting there for several minutes starting with the gifts, Naruto smiled. It was his first time receiving gifts, and it felt good. He finally felt appreciated.

Naruto smiled took out all the cookies and sweets he could find and walked out. 'I wonder where's Hinata.' Naruto thought with a smile as he searched for her. He wanted to share the sweets and cookies with her, she was his first and only friend so he wanted to share with her all his happiness.

Finally, he found Hinata walking out of her mansion and waved at her. "Hey Hinata. Guess what?" He ran up to her and told her everything that happened making her smile. Naruto was finally appreciated, something she always wanted to happen.

He then offered her the sweets and cookies. And it was today when Naruto realized that Hinata had one hell of a sweet tooth. "I never knew you liked sweets so much," Naruto said with a chuckle making her giggle. "Yeah, I kind of like sweet just as much as you like Ramen," She stated with a giggle as she took another sweet from the pile.

For the next hour, Naruto and Hinata sat together as Hinata ate all the sweets Naruto bought. After they finished their meal, both Hinata and Naruto were met by Jiraiya.

"I was looking for you Naruto... We have a mission outside of the village." Jiraiya informed getting a nod from Naruto. "What's the mission?" Naruto questioned, "We have to retrieve a teammate of mine and bring her ass back to Konoha." Jiraiya exclaimed getting a gasp from Hinata.

"You're bringing back Tsunade-sama?" She questioned getting a nod from Jiraiya. Naruto looked between the two and got a confused look, "Who's she?" He questioned getting a raised brow from Jiraiya. "She's the best medic in the world and probably the strongest Kunoichi," Hinata explained and Naruto nodded his head.

"You didn't know about me, and now, you don't know who Tsunade is," Jiraiya said getting Naruto to rub his head sheepishly. "I need to go through your academy records." Jiraiya declared getting Naruto and Hinata to sweatdrop.

"Anyways, how long will we be away?" Naruto questioned. "We might finish this mission within a day or even a month... Depending on our luck." He stated with a shrug. "Do you have any leads?"

"Nope..." Jiraiya said, "We'll simply have to look for her." He said getting a sigh from Naruto.

Naruto turned to Hinata and said her goodbyes before running to his house to prepare for a long travel.


"Let's go," Naruto stated with a deep breath and walked out of the village gates. "Aren't you a bit dramatic?" Jiraiya questioned.

"I don't want to hear that from you Ero-Sannin," Naruto replied getting Jiraiya to frown.

"Stop calling me that."

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