Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Finally!


"We've been searching the whole day... But there's no sign of your teammate in this place." Naruto said with a sigh.

"My intel said she's here... Let's call it a day, we'll continue the search tomorrow." Jiraiya and Naruto agreed with him. Both of them headed to the nearest bar to have dinner.

"Ero-Sannin, why are you teaching me a new taijutsu style? Isn't my style enough?" Naruto questioned and Jiraiya shook his head. "Your Taijutsu style is the most common, I'll teach you the basics of Frog Kumite, and when you're ready, I'll let you learn the advanced," Jiraiya stated getting a nod from Naruto.

"You use Kage Bunshin to study right?" Jiraiya questioned as he noticed Naruto leaving a handful of Bunshins back in their hotel to study some scrolls. "Yeah, Yūgao-sensei made me do it all the time. She said I needed to study to become a great shinobi." Naruto said getting a small nod from Jiraiya.

"You'll be a Seal Master within no time, with your Uzumaki cheat code and your kage bunshin. Seals will be easy for you to learn." Jiraiya nodded getting a smirk from Naruto. "I use all the advantage I can get."

Both of them reached the bar and walked inside it. Jiraiya let out a sigh of relief as he saw who was in the bar. "Tsunade..." He greeted her with a wave. Tsunade looked up from her meal and looked surprised when she saw Jiraiya walking towards her with a kid who looked awfully similar to Minato.

"What are the odds? We were looking around for you the whole day." Jiraiya said with a sigh of relief. "Why were you looking for me... And who's this brat?" Tsunade questioned.

"Let's keep the first question aside... And for your second question, he is Naruto, Minato's son." Jiraiya said getting a nod from Tsunade. "Hmm, I figured as much." She said as she took a sip of her beer, Naruto was a spitting image of Minato.

"Hello, Jiraiya-sama." Shizune greeted with a bow. "No need for formalities Shizune... Jiraiya is fine." Jiraiya said with a wave of his hand. "Hello baa-chan... Name's Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said with a smile.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto as if he had grown a second head. "You wanna die brat?" Jiraiya whispered as he saw the fuming Tsunade. "Huh? What do you mean?" Naruto said out loud. "Don't call me grandma kid," Tsunade shouted as she looked at Naruto with a glare.

"But aren't you as old as Ero-Sannin? That makes you a grandma." Naruto reasoned and Jiraiya walked out of the bar with Shizune. 'I'll miss you, kid.' That was what Jiraiya thought.

Suddenly, Naruto came running out of the hotel with Tsunade chasing him with a red face. "What the hell? Why are you trying to kill me you old-hag?" Naruto shouted in fear.

"THAT'S IT... I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE MINATO'S SON, YOU'RE DYING." Tsunade shouted as she chased Naruto. Jiraiya sighed and decided that the games were enough and stopped both Naruto and Tsunade from engaging further.

Five minutes later, Naruto and Tsunade sat across each other, Naruto was glaring at Tsunade who was doing the same.

"We came here to take you back to Konoha to become the Hokage," Jiraiya informed getting Tsunade to laugh. "Let me guess... They requested you to take the hat but you passed it to me?" She questioned getting a sheepish look from Jiraiya.

"I deny... I am not interested in the fool's job." Tsunade said getting a scowl from Naruto.

"Sensei is dead, Konoha needs a leader." Jiraiya reasoned and Tsunade huffed. "I've heard the reason why sensei died, this further proves my point that the job of a Hokage is a fool's job." She said with finality.

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