Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Phase II


Anko looked at the assembled students with a devilish grin on her face, all of them had terrified looks on their faces as they gazed at the forest of death. "Hello, little Genins. Welcome to my second home." when she said that, most of the genins looked at her like crazy.

"Cool... Do you have a bed and water boiler in that place?" Naruto questioned with a smirk. Suddenly, he found a kunai flying at him which he caught with his left hand. "It's not wise to attack someone stronger than you," Naruto said as he twirled with the kunai. (A/N: No... Naruto is just mocking Anko, he isn't stronger than her... Yet...)

A woman in the crowd looked at the scene with amusement in her eyes. 'The Uzumaki kid isn't half bad...' She thought as she licked her lips. She saw how he destroyed the cards as soon as Kabuto was about to announce his information, he obviously, knew what information was in those cards but Naruto's action took her by surprise. She didn't expect him to outright destroy those cards. 'Things are turning out to be fun.'

Anko not being one to be disrespected, used body flicker to get behind Naruto and wrap herself around his body making him shiver. "Boys like you die first." She smiled before letting go of Naruto and walked back to her spot. "Scary," Naruto whispered to Hinata who was blushing after looking at what Anko did.

"Okay kids, listen up... Your second task will be completed inside this forest and you'll get five days to complete it. Each one of you will get one scroll, either the Earth scroll or the Heaven scroll, you'll have to complete the pair and find the tower as soon as you can." Anko said and a person walked up to her with a stack of papers.

"Sign this form, it says 'Konoha is not responsible for your deaths'." After she said that, all the genin shivered at the thought of dying in the forest.

"Now, get your asses up here and collect your scrolls, and don't forget to fill up the form," Anko said but her voice sounded a bit too excited as she said the last part.

After everyone collected their scrolls, they were talking amongst their teams.

Sasuke looked at his teammates, Sakura and Takao with a serious look. "We have to collect the scrolls within one day by any means." He said eyeing Sakura. "Do not be annoying inside the Forest, we'll leave you behind if you are," Takao said as he scowled at Sakura who looked ready to smack him. "Takao is right. Now, get ready." After Sasuke said that, Sakura adopted a betrayed look but agreed nonetheless.

"I'll be stuck without food for five days inside this forest," Choji said with a scared look while Ino was blabbering about not getting to bathe for five days. "Troublesome..." Was all Shikamaru said with a sigh.

"Good luck Hinata," Naruto said with a grin. ."Thank you." Hinata replied.

"See y'all in the tower." Naruto waved and ran toward his gates. "Yo crazy-snake lady." Naruto greeted Anko who was standing above the gate. Anko looked at Naruto and grinned. "Good luck kid, I like you, I want to see you in the tower," Anko said as she licked her lips making Naruto shiver. "Sure." Was his meek reply.

'So this kid is Yūgao's student... Let's see if he is worth anything that Yūgao brags about.' Anko thought as she eyed Naruto carefully. Yūgao had praised Naruto a lot which perked Anko's interest in this particular Genin.

Suddenly, a bell rings and Anko jumps away from the gate. She then opened the gate and grinned at Naruto. "Enjoy your remaining 5 days." Was the only word she said before Naruto bolted towards the forest. 'Kids these days, too energetic.' Anko mock sighed.

With Naruto, he was running at full speed forward while thinking. 'What do I do?' He had sealed his Earth scroll and had kept it hidden. 'I need a Heaven scroll to pass this phase.' One thing Naruto was known for was his tracking skills. He always had a knack for finding whatever he looked for immediately, one thing that he benefited from being a prankster is his heightened sneaking skills and tracking abilities.

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