Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Naruto Uzumaki!


Yūgao looked at the resting ball of energy with a tired expression. 'This boy... for lack of a better term, is completely the opposite of what a shinobi should be.' Yūgao sighs and looks at her notepad where she wrote Naruto's abilities according to what she saw. She made Naruto practice everything he knew and at the end of the session, Yūgao was disappointed.

Taijutsu: Below Academy Student level!
Ninjutsu: Only knows one B-rank Kinjutsu and nothing else!
IQ: Below average at best!
Stamina: Off the chart!
Chakra: Maybe higher than the Hokage considering the amount of Kage Bunshin he can create!

'This kid has so much latent potential but his upbringing locked them so deep that it seems almost impossible to unlock.' Yūgao thinks with a frown. 'He managed to decode the Scroll of Sealing and also learn one of its jutsu in just one night... That's a genius level of operation.' Yūgao analyzed and closed her book.

'He seemed to have more affinity towards practical activities than theoretical.' Yūgao quickly made up her mind and decided on a perfect training regime for Naruto.

"Naruto... From now on... You listen to every single thing I tell you... Am I understood?" Yūgao questions with a serious look making Naruto gulp. 'Women are scary.' "Okay... Purple-sword sensei!" Naruto says making Yūgao's eyes twitch but otherwise, she doesn't say anything.

"You'll focus on strengthening your body and improving your taijutsu in the morning and throughout the day and studying during the evening. If I am happy with your progress over the week... I'll teach you a new Jutsu every Sunday." Yūgao explains and stars appear in Naruto's eyes. "New Jutsu?" Naruto questions and Yūgao sighs.

"If you make me satisfied with your progress... If." Yūgao stresses the word 'if' making Naruto nod his head. "Let's start then," Naruto says and Yūgao nods her head. "For starters... We learn Chakra Control." Yūgao says and Naruto tilts his head. "Chakra?" Naruto questions making Yūgao look at him incredulously.

"You don't know what is chakra?" Yūgao questions and Naruto nods his head. 'This is going to be a long training session.' Yūgao sighs and proceeds to explain what Chakra is to Naruto. At the end of the conversation, Naruto nodded his head with a satisfied look and said.

"Oh wait... Is it the windy thing that happens inside me when I use shadow clone Jutsu?" Naruto questions and Yūgao nods her head. "Yeah... That is chakra... Every living and non-living being has it." )(Naruto's affinity makes his chakra seem like a wind to him)

"So... The better control I have with chakra, the stronger my jutsu gets right?" Naruto questions and Yūgao nods her head.

"That's the basic idea... Now onto the training... You have to do this." Yūgao says and walks up to a nearby tree making Naruto's eyes widen. "Woahhhh... How'd you do that?" Naruto questions with a surprised look.

"Chakra... Channel your chakra to your feet and run up to the nearest tree you find. Mark your progress with a kunai." Yūgao says. Naruto frowns and decides to do as Yūgao instructed.

"Channel my chakra to my feet and run up," Naruto said and sprinted towards the tree at full speed. He got up a few feet before falling to the ground. "Ouch... That hurts." Naruto says while rubbing his head.

"You have to be calm and collected while channeling your chakra," Yūgao instructs and Naruto nods his head. "Stay calm... Stay calm..." Naruto chants and runs up the tree again. This time, he managed to run past his previous mark by one centimeter. "Hmm... It will be considered mastered if you can run up and down the tree like it's second nature for you." Yūgao informs and Naruto adopts a determined look on his face.

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