Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: One Month!


Naruto stood in front of Yūgao, waiting for her instruction to start his training. Suddenly, she smiled and looked at him warmly.

Naruto saw that smile only from the Hokage and Iruka, no one else ever smiled at him this way. It warmed his heart considerably. So, he didn't know why, but he found his lips edging apart to smile.

"Your mother will be proud of you." Yūgao suddenly stated getting wide eyes from Naruto. "My... Mother?" Naruto didn't know why, but he felt something moist running down his cheeks. "Yes... Your mother." She nodded and then smiled at him.

"Do you know my mother?" Naruto said, hope tripping from his voice. "Of course, I was her student. She was the one who taught me the art of a sword."

(A/N: Hayate being Yūgao's trainer and guy never sat well with me. So, I am changing this)

Hearing this, Naruto walked towards Yūgao slowly, "Can you... Tell me her... Name?" Naruto questioned.

"Kushina Uzumaki, she was one of the strongest Kunoichi, rivaled only by Tsunade Senju," Yūgao said with a proud voice. "Kushina... Uzumaki." Naruto said as he wiped his eyes.

"And yes, I know the name of your father too," Yūgao said suddenly. "But I am afraid, I won't be able to tell you his name." She completed and looked at Naruto who had a questioning look.

"Just know that there is a very strong reason for it... One that can cause wars." Yūgao explained and Naruto looked down. "He must've been strong." He said and Yūgao smiled, "The strongest." That statement clicked in Naruto's head.

"Oh... So he's my dad..." Naruto said as he looked at the stone face. "I had my doubts, the hair, and the eyes made it obvious... But I pushed the thoughts aside, seems like I was correct." Naruto whispered with a deep frown. Yūgao raised her brow as she heard Naruto say that, it seemed Naruto was smarter than she gave him credit for.

"Are you angry at him?" A newcomer questioned as he walked towards them. "A bit... But he was Hokage, and he probably didn't have any choice. How can he ask for some other person's child if he can't use his own? Right?" Naruto questioned as he closed his eyes. He was trying to make everything make sense but deep down, he was very angry at his father for condemning him to such a fate.

"Let it out Naruto," Yūgao said as she hugged Naruto. It started with a small stutter, which turned into hiccups before he hugged Yūgao back and started crying openly.

"I am so pathetic... I promised myself I wouldn't cry." Naruto said as he tried to stop the tears. "I saw dad's pic everywhere but I never saw my mom's... Do you have my mother's pic?" Naruto whispered.

"Yes, Yes... I do... Wait... Let me show you." Yūgao said as she wiped a tear that threatened to leak out of her eye. She took out a pic of Kushina from her pocket and showed it to Naruto who looked at the pic, lost in thoughts.

Jiraiya simply smiled and watched the scene without a noise.

"She was beautiful," Naruto exclaimed as he traced Kushina's picture with his finger. Memorizing every single detail. "Mom..." Naruto whispered. "Can I keep this picture?" He questioned with a hopeful look getting a smile and a nod from Yūgao. "Can you tell me more about my mom?" Naruto requested. "Where should I start, yeah..." Yūgao said and started telling him stories about his mother.

A few hours later, Naruto was finally satisfied and looked at the person who joined them in the middle of the conversation. "Who are you?" He directly asked getting a smirk from the guy. "I am Jiraiya, the strongest Shinobi to be ever born." Jiraiya boasted with a swollen chest getting an excited look from Naruto. "Really? Are you the strongest?" Naruto questioned with stars in his eyes.

"You seriously believed me?" Jiraiya deadpanned making Naruto scowl. "Then why did you say that you're the strongest?" Naruto shouted at Jiraiya. "Because I am... Anyways, Yūgao, did you inform him?" Jiraiya questioned and got a negative response.

"Okay, you may leave now, and return to your rank in Anbu." Yūgao nodded her head and looked at Naruto with a smile. "It was fun training you Naruto... If you need any help, don't hesitate to approach me." She said as she rubbed Naruto's head.

"Huh? Wait? What do you mean... Will you stop being my sensei?" Naruto questioned with a terrified look at losing someone important to him. "No silly, if you want to train, you can always come to me." She smiled sadly, "But yeah, we won't be able to do missions together anymore."

Jiraiya walked aside, knowing that it would take some time for them to finish talking.

"But... Why so suddenly?" Naruto questioned. "It's direct orders from the Hokage. I need to rejoin my ranks. So you'll have to work without me from now on." She explained. "But like I said, you don't need to worry, I'll always come to train you whenever I get free time. I'll also make sure to provide you with training materials." She said with a small tear leaking out her eye.

"You were my first student, you taught me some valuable lessons. Look at me, an Anbu captain crying." She said as she fought off her tears. "But before I go, I have a thing to tell you..." She said getting a nod from Naruto.

"Ask her out fast." She teased Naruto getting a blush from Naruto.

"I don't like Hinata." Naruto defended getting giggles from Jiraiya and a smirk from Yūgao. "I never said you liked Hinata." She continued teasing Naruto for a short while.

"Now then, I'll be off. Take care Naruto." Yūgao said as she smiled sadly at Naruto. "Don't worry about me sensei... Stay safe, and watch my fights, I'll win the finals... Easily." Naruto claimed with a grin getting a smirk from Yūgao. "I'll be watching." Was the last thing she said, before she vanished into thin air.

"Why are you still here though?" Naruto questioned as he looked at Jiraiya. "You don't know me?" Jiraiya questioned with an incredulous look and Naruto shook his head. "The Academy didn't teach you about the Sannin?" Jiraiya questioned and Naruto smiled weakly at him. "Maybe... They did, I don't remember." He said with a weak laugh.

"Anyways, on a serious note... I am your father's mentor. Jiraiya of the Sannin." Jiraiya introduced himself. "Naruto Uzumaki... I am going to be your mentor from today." Jiraiya informed with a smirk before going through a series of hand seals.

"Kuchiyose-no-jutsu," Jiraiya shouted and summoned a large human-sized toad. "Wow... A summoning animal." Naruto expressed with a surprised look. "And you get to sign it because I am the coolest Sensei." Jiraiya boasted, getting a deadpan from both Naruto and the toad.

"Just give him the signing contract already," Jiraiya shouted with a blush as he saw the looks he was getting. The toad opened his mouth a pulled out a long scroll with his tongue, handing it to Naruto. "Write your name next to Minato's," Jiraiya instructed as Naruto opened the scroll. "Use your blood to write it." After he said that, Naruto bit his thumb and dragged it along the scroll to write his name.

"Below your name, put the print of all your fingers," Jiraiya said pointing at the bottom of the scroll. After everything was done, the toad swallowed the scroll and vanished.

"Everything went well. Now, the only thing you need to do is follow these hand seals and input as much chakra as you can into the jutsu." Jiraiya explained showing Naruto the hand seals. Naruto nodded a weaved through the hand seals before shouting, "Kuchiyose-no-jutsu." He brought down his palm to the floor and several characters appeared around his palm before smoke covered the whole area.

"Who dares summon me?"A giant toad growled out and saw Naruto sitting in front of his nose. "Hey, it's me Naruto Uzumaki, I am your new summoner."


"I didn't expect you to summon Gamabunta of all toads." Jiraiya sighed as he looked at Naruto. "Maybe I am just great." Naruto boasted and Jiraiya smirked, "Gamabunta was your dad's first summon too. In fact, Gamabunta only listens to me, and your dad." He states getting a nod from Naruto. "He has a son too... Maybe you can seal a deal with his son. By the time you reach your prime, his son will probably reach he's too." He proposed getting a nod from Naruto.

"Since you summoned the boss... You can summon the rest of the toad clan and they'll work with you." Jiraiya informed.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind. So, how are we going to train?" Naruto questioned getting a smirk from Jiraiya. "Let's get started, what can you tell me about the Kyūbi?"


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