Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Final Stage!


The citizens of Konoha along with several merchants and high-profile individuals sat and watched from the bleachers as 7 genins stood in the middle of the arena. Several thoughts were going on, some hoping to earn a fortune through betting, while some were here just for the fun of it.

Back to the genins, Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyūga, Shikamaru Nara, Kankuro, Temari, Gaara, and Shino Aburame stood in front of the proctor waiting for him to start the match. They listened to the Hokage giving a speech and got themselves pumped for the fight.

"Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyūga stay and the rest go to the waiting area," Genma instructed and all the genin made their way to the waiting area as instructed. "The rules will be the same as the preliminaries. I'll stop the match if I deem it necessary, but there is no shame in admitting defeat and surrendering. Killing is allowed, but it is frowned upon." He said and got nods from both the genins.

"Fighters ready?..." Genma questioned getting nods from both the combatants. "... Hajime!"

"I have my bets on the Hyūga, he is considered to be the finest Hyūga in his generation," Kotetsu said with a smirk. "Easy money!" Izumo nodded.

"This match won't last too long," Asuma said with a drag. "I agree... though Lee was good, claims and feats suggest that Neji is a far better fighter of the two." Kurenai agreed getting a soft frown from Hinata.

"Naruto will win." She snapped and quickly brought her hands to cover her mouth. Kurenai looked at her student shocked, that she mustered such confidence to defend someone. 'Interesting.' She thought with a grin.

Back at the arena, Naruto looked at Neji calmly and asked, "Why did you hurt Hinata? Why do you hate her so much?" Naruto questioned with a deep frown. "Because she is a failure who's trying to defy her fate, just like how you're defying yours." Neji simply answered and got into his stance.

Naruto sighed at him and questioned. "What does my fate say?"

"That you'll always remain a failure," Neji answered getting a nod from Naruto. "Ohh... cool." He shrugged.

"I want to see how both your genins perform," Kazekage stated and Hiruzen laughed lightly. "Those two are some of the best genin of my village. You'll be impressed by their performance." Hiruzen smiled proudly at how far all his genins had come.

Back at the arena, Naruto and Neji were still having their conversation. "Neji, I have a casual question, I am sure you practiced some new jutsu for the finals," Naruto questioned and Neji nodded his head. "Don't worry, I won't use them on you." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, don't worry..." Naruto started and suddenly, Neji found himself falling to the ground. "... you still have the next exam to showcase your new jutsus." Naruto completed as he stood triumphant over the unconscious Neji.

He walked away without a word getting several questioning looks. "What happened?" Sakura gasped as she saw the whole scene. "How is Neji down?" Ino questioned.

"It seems my calculations were wrong," Asuma said as he rubbed his chin. Kurenai hearing the questions from the fangirls, decided to answer them, "Naruto used his superior speed to appear right in front of Neji and attacked him with two blows, one in his gut and another in her chin, knocking him out. All this happened within a second." Kurenai explained getting shocked nods from the fangirls and a silent clap from the happy Hyūga princess.

"That's a surprisingly overwhelming victory," Hiashi said with a firm nod. Hanabi looked at the scene with a shocked look but refrained from commenting.

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