Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: New Mission


Naruto and Jiraiya were training in one of the training grounds. Naruto had several clones working on a Jutsu while he was sparring with Jiraiya. Sparring with Jiraiya, in a sense, Naruto was getting his ass whooped against a Jiraiya who had one of his hands tied behind his back.

"Damn you Ero-Sannin," Naruto growled as charged at Jiraiya again.

"Your speed is good, form is coming along too..." Jiraiya analyzed with a smile.

"Stop throwing me around," Naruto complained as he got up which made Jiraiya smirk.

"You should be proud kid, I wasn't even one-fifth of your level when I was your age." Jiraiya praised which made Naruto smirk, he was strong, he just knew it and within no time, he'd even surpass Jiraiya.

"Stretch to release tension and follow me," Jiraiya said as he relaxed before stretching to avoid cramps.

After they were done, Jiraiya let Naruto into a stream and walked on the water, Naruto followed suit. Both of them reached the middle of the stream and Jiraiya stopped followed by Naruto.

"Hmm... We're standing here for the whole day now. Don't move." Jiraiya said which made Naruto raise a brow. "You serious?"

"Yes, now do as I say," Jiraiya commanded and Naruto nodded his head. "What's the purpose of this training," Naruto questioned with a curious look, Jiraiya's training always had a meaning behind it.

"You're too impatient, I've noticed the way you act when something exciting comes up." Jiraiya started. "We have to work on your patience, a good shinobi is a strong shinobi... A strong Shinobi is a smart shinobi... A smart shinobi is a patient shinobi." As Jiraiya said that, Naruto nodded and started doing exactly what Jiraiya told him to do.

Jiraiya was extremely proud of how Naruto acted whenever he told him to do something. True, he sometimes whines and complains but in the end, Naruto does what he says perfectly. Naruto was the perfect ideal student in his eyes. 'Second Minato.' Jiraiya thought with a smile.

Jiraiya and Naruto stayed in that position for the remaining time of the day. Naruto got impatient several times and almost gave up the training, but Jiraiya pushed him to complete the training.

"Patience is the key... During spy and assassination-type missions, you have to stay in one place for weeks... You need to learn patience. From today, we'll spare one day every week for such exercises... I'll change it every time so you won't be bored by one exercise." Jiraiya said getting a nod from Naruto.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I hate this kind of training," Naruto admitted getting a smirk from Jiraiya.

"I know right... I never liked this kind of training and would complain all the time to sensei wherever he gave us such exercises." Jiraiya said which made Naruto chuckle.

"I heard that you were dead last like me," Naruto questioned, and Jiraiya smiled as he remembered his childhood as a member of a Genin Cell. "I always had a high amount of chakra, not at your level, but high enough that it was difficult for me to perform jutsus... Which resulted in me being dead last." Jiraiya admitted with a laugh and Naruto followed soon.


Naruto was just waking up from his when there was a knock on his door. He walked out to see an Anbu standing with a scroll in his hand. "Hokage-sama." The Anbu simply said vanished from the spot.

Naruto mused in thought before walking inside his room and reading the contents of the scroll.

"Hokage requires your assistant for a B-Rank mission." Naruto read out the contents of the letter. Naruto had an excited look on his face but quickly hid his excitement before cleaning himself and making his way to the Hokage Office.

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