Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: First Mission Part III


They finally reached Tazuna's house after walking for another day and rested for the day. Yūgao had called Naruto for an important meeting in her room so Naruto was going to her room to meet his mentor.

"Come in..." Yūgao slowly muttered and motioned Naruto to sit next to her when she heard him slide the door open.

Naruto walked up to her sat facing her and waited for her to start the meeting. "Do you know the reason why I called you here today?" Yūgao questioned and Naruto nodded his head. "We are going to have a meeting," Naruto said seriously making Yūgao sweat drop. That was not the answer she expected.

"That's not what I meant. Do you know the reason for this meeting?" Seeing Naruto tilt his head, Yūgao sighed and started explaining, "We have to capture Gato and bring him to Konoha." Yūgao stated making Naruto's eyes widen in realisation.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Gato." Naruto admits making Yūgao nod her head, "Do not make this mistake again." She says and Naruto nods his head.

"I want you to infiltrate Gato's warehouse and eliminate all his soldiers. Before we reached this place, I sent a Kage Bunshin to study Gato's place and it found that there was no Shinobi in his warehouse." She explains and Naruto nods his head in understanding. "Either bring Gato alive or bring his head to me," Yūgao orders, and Naruto nods his head with a doubtful look. The message was clear, either Naruto killed him or Yūgao would kill him after Naruto brought Gato to her.

"Remember what I told you, for every life you take, you save the lives of multiple people," Yūgao states making Naruto sigh. "I can complete the task if you are not ready for it," Yūgao said with warm eyes making Naruto stiff.

"No sensei, trust me, I'll complete this task and bring Gato to you," Naruto said with fire in his eyes. Yūgao nodded her head and said, "That's what I wanted to hear, and while you're busy handling Gato, I'll look for Zabuza's hideout and take whatever secrets he had with him." Yūgao informs making Naruto nod his head.

"Let's head out," Yūgao says as she and Naruto vanish from their spot using Shunshin.

-Naruto's POV-

Yūgao-sensei gave me the task of eliminating all the bandits in Gato's hideout as well as capturing Gato. I have to be careful to not mess this mission up. 'I should've asked sensei for one of those seals to seal Gato.' I thought with a sigh.

Currently, I am standing on one of the trees surrounding Gato's warehouse. The warehouse was a big building with several guards surrounding the place. I'll keep this plan plain and simple, I'll sneak into the warehouse, look for Gato, and kill him. Then I'll secure the place by taking out all the thugs using my Kage Bunshin.

With that plan in mind, I slowly sneaked into the building through one of the windows and scouted my way through the place. I passed several corridors, looking for any sign of high security.

Along the way, I saw many bandits lying wasted on the floor reeking of alcohol. I didn't give them any mind and made my way through the place.

I noticed two bandits guarding a large door, I expected Gato to be inside that room and quickly knock out the two bandits before replacing them with two transformed Kage Bunshin. I walked inside the room and saw Gato sleeping without a care in the world.

I took out a kunai and made my way to his bed to kill him. I gulped as I got my kunai positioned, without making a noise, I slowly slid Gato's throat and jumped out of his bed silently waiting for Gato to die. It took a few minutes for Gato to die before I made two of my clones pick the body up.

-normal POV-

Everything felt wrong, and it wasn't about my first kill. 'Why am I not feeling bad for killing a person?' Naruto always thought about how his first kill would affect him, how he'd feel for killing a person. But right now, he didn't feel remorse for killing Gato. Naruto was sad that he took a life, but he wasn't sad he took the life of Gato.

Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening his eyes. "I'll have to complete this task first." With that said, Naruto walked out of the building with his clones following closely behind. "Taju Kage Bunshin-no-Jutsu," Naruto said as he made a ram seal and a few hundred clones appeared all around the warehouse. "Knock everyone out and tie them, after you're done, pick them up and follow me out." And then, just like that, Naruto along with his clones tore down the whole place, capturing all the Bandits successfully.

After they were done, Naruto and his clones made their way to the village. It was still dark outside so Naruto made sure to let everyone know that he was their hero by shouting. "EVERYONE, YOUR HERO NARUTO HAVE FREED YOU." After Naruto shouted, the villagers walked out of their houses, clearly annoyed that their sleep was interrupted.

The annoyance quickly turned to shock and then to joy as they noticed Naruto standing in the middle of the village with multiple clones holding an unconscious thug with them. They quickly ran up to the scene and started thanking Naruto for saving them from Gato.

Several villagers came with weapons and killed most of the thugs that the clones had captured in the name of vengeance. Naruto didn't care what happened to the thugs so he left them in the care of the village.

A few days later, Yūgao returned saying that she was successful in her task. Everything went smoothly from that moment and the bridge was finally built within 3 weeks of their arrival. During the three weeks, Naruto learned how to craft from Tazuna whenever he wasn't training.

Everything went well, and Naruto's first mission, C-Ranked turned A-Rank was successful. Finally, Naruto returned to Konoha with Yugao not knowing that the villagers had named the bridge "The Great Naruto Bridge." in respect for his help against Gato.

A few days later, Yūgao made her way to the Hokage office and handed him the scroll that contained Zabuza and the fake hunter nin. "You did well... Zabuza will be imprisoned while his partner will be sent to Ibiki to get out intel, Zabuza will probably never open his mouth so I won't waste time with him," Hiruzan said as he took a smoke out of his pipe, a shinobi suddenly appeared and bowed before Hiruzen. "Sent words to the Hidden Mist Village that we have their Executioner Blade and that Zabuza is killed by my Jōnin, dismiss." Hiruzen commands while addressing the newcomer who nods and vanishes the same way he comes.

"We can use the Executioner Blade to spark an alliance with the Hidden Mist Village." Hiruzen states and Yūgao nods her head in understanding, she knows the importance of the Executioner Blade, it is one of the seven most prized treasures of the Mist Village, and the Mist will be ready to pay any price to get their blade back.

"Now, I have another matter to discuss," Hiruzen says and Yūgao looks at her leader with curiosity. Before she can voice her thoughts, Hiruzen says, "When will you start training Naruto?"

Yūgao's eyes widened upon hearing the statement but quickly composed herself. "I shall start training Naruto by the next working day," Yūgao says and Hiruzan nods his head.

"Do not misunderstand my judgment. I believe Naruto has what it takes for such training, coupled with his Uzumaki lineage and the Kyūbi, there is no training that Naruto can't complete. The training will be hard for him, but pushing him to the limit will unlock his true potential. I trust him." Hiruzen adds the last part with a smile.

Yūgao knew how much the final statement meant, "I will train Naruto to the best of my ability." Yūgao stated firmly making Hiruzen nod his head.

"I believe you will, every genin will be exempted from taking missions for the next few weeks. The chunin exams are coming and I want all the genin to be inside the village walls." Hiruzen said as he smoked.

"Okay, sir." Yūgao bowed to her superior. "Dismissed."


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