Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Preparations


Naruto walked toward his usual training spot earlier than usual. He wanted to be able to do some warmup before he got to do Yūgao extensive training. He was thoroughly annoyed when he saw Yūgao waiting for him in the field. 'I'll make sure to reach her first tomorrow.' Naruto sighed and greeted Yūgao like usual.

"We'll start our true training today," Yūgao said with a serious tone making Naruto tilt his head. "What do you mean Sensei?" Naruto questions.

"Make ten clones practice this," Yūgao said handing Naruto a scroll that read, "Bunshin Daibakuha." Without a word, Naruto followed what his sensei told him and sent his clones to work on the Jutsu.

"Now, do pushups, you won't stop till I am tired," Yūgao says with such a serious aura that made Naruto gulp and get into the exercise. "Do it on the river, vertically, on one finger..." Yūgao added making Naruto look at her like crazy. "Get to it," Yūgao commanded making Naruto run to the river.

After doing a few exercises, he noticed that Yūgao didn't mind if he switched his hands during the training. He lost count of his exercise and kept on going without stopping. He took a few pauses to puke but Yūgao didn't mind.

After three hours, Yūgao called out to him. "Stretch for 10 minutes to avoid cramps." And then the hell continued. Yūgao made Naruto go through hell both mentally and physically. She would let him do a single exercise for hours on end without breaks. After a few hours, Yūgao noticed that Naruto was showing some signs of fatigue.

'I didn't last one hour doing this form of training and Naruto just seemed a little tired.' Yūgao thought incredulously. She threw a scroll at Naruto who grabbed it with a questioning look. "You'll learn how to fight with a Katana. Being my student, it won't look good if you aren't a master swordsman yourself." Yūgao said and waited for Naruto to complete his celebration.

"The scroll will have weights too... Take those out only when you sleep, shower, or outside of the village for a mission." Yūgao said making Naruto nod his head.

"Now, to learn how to wield a Katana..."


Naruto walked out of Konoha's hotspring with a satisfied look on his face. All the day's soreness from before was gone and he felt himself stronger than ever. "That slave driving training actually worked." Naruto sighed as he walked towards Ichiraku for dinner.

Naruto's sensitive ear twitched as he felt noises coming from the training field right next to the hot spring. He followed the source of the sound and saw a female punching and slapping a training log.

'Is that Hinata?' Naruto wondered before he got a full picture of the female and realized that it was indeed Hinata. "Hey, Hinata." Naruto greeted as he went to meet Hinata.

Hinata noticed Naruto approaching her and blushed. "Hello, Naruto." Hinata greeted back. "Your training looks fun," Naruto said as he saw the damage Hinata did to the log.

"It's nothing." Hinata blushed as she started playing with the hem of her sweater. "Wanna spar?" Naruto said as he got into position to spar. Hinata looked at Naruto with a shocked look.

"Let's spar?" Naruto repeated and she slowly nodded her head before getting into her Gentle Fist stance. Naruto rushed at her with decent speed and threw a punch at Hinata who sidestepped and countered the punch with a palm towards Naruto's chest.

"Damn... You're good Hinata." Naruto praised as he got hit by the palm. He quickly shrugged the attack off and rushed at Hinata to attack again, this time, Naruto was careful and dodged or blocked all of Hinata's attacks while throwing his attacks which were blocked gracefully.

They continued their Taijutsu spar for a full half an hour before they decided to stop the soar. Hinata saw that Naruto wasn't even winded by the spar but she was breathing heavily. "That was fun." Naruto praised her with a grin. She smiled back and said, "I would've lost if we kept this on any longer." She admitted.

"But you were doing great. Let's train together tomorrow." Naruto said and Hinata nodded with a blush. "Wanna go have ramen at Ichiraku's?" Naruto questioned suddenly making Hinata blush again. "Sure," Hinata said as she started playing with the hem of her sweater again. With that said, Naruto and Hinata went to Ichiraku to eat ramen, not noticing the Kunoichi that was sneaking at them.

The said Kunoichi, Kurenai Yūhi watched the scene with amusement in her eyes. She always knew about the crush Hinata harbored for Naruto and seeing them together was nothing short of amusing. Kurenai decided to watch Hinata train from afar so that she could see how she proceeded with the training.

She was, however, surprised when Naruto came to Hinata and started sparring with her. She didn't expect Hinata to open up to another person so easily. Yet, here she was, having ramen with Naruto Uzumaki. It seems like she judged her student wrong to some degree.

'I wonder if I can adjust a joint training session with Yūgao?' Kurenai thought before she stuttered. 'Probably not, I don't want my genin to be trained in the Anbu ways... yet." She added as an afterthought.

Back with Naruto, both of them finished their meals and walked out of the stall after paying Ichiraku for the meal. "Let's meet tomorrow in your training field at the same time tomorrow," Naruto said and Hinata nodded her head with a smile. After saying goodbyes, Naruto waved at her and ran back to his academy with a smile on his, he finally managed to make his first friend. He was beyond happy with it, he was lonely his whole life, and the concept of making a friend was foreign to him.

With everything in mind, Naruto slept with a smile on his face, waiting excitedly for the next day.


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