Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:


"Well done kid... You're coming along good in the art of assassination."

Naruto simply eyed Anko with a frown.

"Not something I am proud of."

Anko patted Naruto on his shoulder with a grin. In a single month of training Naruto, she realized that he was natural, she didn't even need to train him how to operate, she only had to make a few changes in the way he did things. Rest was all natural to him.

"Cheer up gaki, if you keep this up, one day I might even let you sleep with me."

Naruto blushed deep red and crawled away from Anko. Though Anko had a knack for assassination and teaching, Naruto didn't like the way Anko teased him. Unlike others who tease him about Hinata, Anko teases Naruto using her own body. Something he didn't find amusing.

"Get away you pervert."

"Mah, Naruto-kun doesn't like his old sensei... He won't even have sex with me on our last day of training."

Naruto jumped away from his place and scowled at Anko.

"Don't speak in such a way."

"How do you want me to speak then?"

Anko simply laughed as she saw Naruto run away from that place for the last time. She will miss training that kid, maybe she could request Hokage-sama to give her some mission with him.


"You know the criteria after becoming a Chūnin?"

Naruto tilted his head in confusion getting Jiraiya to nod in undertsanding.

"Chūnin have a strict rule to follow, you are expected to lead a team to missions, to do work of a leader. A Chūnin, in other words, is a weak Jōnin."

Jiraiya explained getting a blank look from Naruto.

"Take it like this... Uhh... Genin are immature, and when they become mature and show some good qualities, they are selected to be Chūnin, it doesn't depend on your strength, you are promoted to Chūnin if you show maturity and a sense of leadership. But for you to be promoted to a Jōnin, you simply need to grow stronger, refine your leadership qualities, and become a specialist in more than two arts of Shinobi."

Naruto finally nodded his head in understanding. He looked at his toes with a contemplating look.

"There's more difference between Genin and Chūnin than between Chūnin and Jōnin."

Jiraiya nodded his head, he was finally getting somewhere.

"Can we stop this boring exercise already?"

Naruto whined as he balanced on his toes on top of a tree. Jiraiya had an amused look before coughing.

"Patience... Patience."

Naruto just frowned but kept his calm.

"Oh yeah... You might get a letter in a few days."

Naruto's eyes perked up in interest but Jiraiya simply waved them off.

"It's something regarded to Chūnin business... Check your mailbox after going home. The letter will arrive any day."

"Alright... So when are we finishing this exercise?"


"Come on~......"


Naruto looked at the letter placed on his bed with a serious look on his face. Just like Jiraiya informed, a letter came to his mailbox one day after that talk. He was alone in his room because Gaara was given a lodge in the outskirts of the village where he would be under surveillance for the next few months, it was done to ensure that Gaara could be trusted among their force. Focusing back on the topic in hand, He took a deep breath and opened the letter and started reading the contents.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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